Horemones and hotdogs

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Frankie didn't know how Ariana's personal assistant had tracked him down, but after Donny explained the situation to him, Frankie was sure he knew exactly how to make things better for his sister. He came sweeping into the model agency's office complex and went straight toward Ariana who was sitting, slumped at her desk, with a defeated look on her face. Standing next to her was a delightful looking young man with jet black hair and skin as pale as alabaster.

That must be the infamous Donny that Ariana rants about all the time. He looks absolutely delectable. Focus, Frankie. You're here for Ariana, not yourself.

"Are you ready to go?", Frankie asked with as much perk as he could muster, which was a considerable amount.

Ariana looked up and saw her brother standing in front of her wearing a yellow Polo shirt and an outlandish pair of bright green Ralph Lauren slacks. The slacks were embroidered with little martini glasses and shakers in random patterns all over the material. Only Frankie Grande could have pulled off wearing such decidedly queer clothes.

"Frankie?! What are you doing here?", Ariana asked as she pulled her brother in for a hug. This was just what she needed and then, completely without warning, she realized tears were streaming down her cheeks.

She must have made a noise because Frankie pulled out of the hug to study her. With disbelief evident in his voice, he asked, "Ari, are you crying?"

She immediately stood up straighter and wiped away the tears. "Of course not; don't be ridiculous, Frankie! I don't cry; you know that."

"She doesn't faint either", Donny volunteered, unsolicited.

"Weeeell... a little bird told me you were having a rough day, a very cute little bird, by the way." Ariana's eyes narrowed as she noticed Frankie making goo-goo eyes at a suddenly shy Donny.

"Oh God, this is just what I need today", Ariana moaned with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Huh-uh, sis", Frankie corrected. "But I have an idea for just what you need. Trust me."


Ariana looked over and smiled at her brother as they walked through the doors of Vartika's Salon. It was definitely one of Ariana's favorite places to be. The salon's manager, Hourieh, was welcoming and caring as always. She made each and every person who walked through the glass doors of the hair salon feel like she was the most important person the salon would service ... ever. Frankie was whisked off by a different stylist and Ariana was shown to the back where she was enveloped in a smothering hug by Richard, her stylist. He was the reason she came here and the reason women, smart women, that is, treasure the relationship between themselves and their stylist. In many cases it's more intimate then sex.

Richard was a small, thin man in his mid-thirties with a shaved head and a store-bought tan. He wore flame-red skinny jeans and a black silk dress shirt which he wore out because he could never get it to stay tucked. All that stretching and maneuvering around women's heads was a disaster on fashion. However, the one item of Richard's look that people remembered most were his outrageous Sarah Palin eye glasses. In fact, people in the know referenced the fact that Richard had been wearing them longer than Palin herself and they should be called Ree-shard glasses.

Richard flamboyantly pushed Ariana back to take a look at her, subtlety examining her hair. "Let me take a look at you, chéri", he cooed in his colorful French accent, an accent which Ariana was positive is fake. However, he's a genius with her hair, so she never questioned his origins. "Choo look merveilleux, Ariana, simply marvelous."

"Oh, Ree-shard", Ariana exclaimed. "You have no idea how much I need to hear that today."

"Oh, my dear. Tell everything to Ree-shard while I make you even more beautiful."

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