More horemones and a new Confidant

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"I am ... and I'm lucky, really. I mean other than needing to pee every five minutes and feeling a little emotional, I'm really not having any side effects."

"HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU HAVE DONE THIS TO ME?" Ariana's scream reverberated off the office walls.

A week had past with no word from Gisele and now she just waltzed into the office like it was any other day. Gisele's face fell and Ariana was suddenly livid.

"How dare you just run away with some man and not take into consideration how it would effect everyone else. How selfish could you be? Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think you're better than the rest of us ... you're different and it's okay for you to ... just get ... married?"

Donny chose that moment to walk around the corner with Ariana's shaken black tea (she didn't want lattes anymore) and wisely veered off to the left to avoid any fallout.

"I-I'm r-really s-sorry", Gisele stammered, chest fallen. "But Edward's my soulmate."

However, Ariana was on a roll and apparently didn't care about the model's happiness.

"It was completely irresponsible and I wouldn't be surprised if Doreen has you doing hair barrette packaging ads from now on. I can't believe you're treating us all with so much disrespect." Ariana, promptly, burst into tears.

Ariana ran out of the office, sobbing like a child and embarrassed as hell. She crashed through the door of the ladies room and collapsed onto the toilet where she continued crying uncontrollably into her hands.

"Ariana?" There was a gentle knocking on the door. Donny had followed her. He sounded concerned, but she couldn't stop crying. She sounded like a child and she wanted to stop because this was her biggest nightmare come true. She lost it in front of a model and her assistant and no doubt the entire office was listening in on her breakdown. And worst of all, she didn't even know what she was crying about.

"Ariana? Are you okay?"

There was something in Donny's voice that Ariana found reassuring and after awhile her sobbing became hiccuping and after more time, the hiccuping slowed down until she was almost normal. She pulled some toilet paper off the roll and dried her eyes. Then, she opened the stall door to see Donny standing there with a concern expression on his face.

"Everything's okay", she said and with a smile she walked out the door. Surprisingly, she really did feel absolutely fine.

Ariana walked back into the office with Donny trailing behind and went straight up to Gisele, who was sitting in Ariana chair and leafing through a magazine, the magazine, in fact.

"I'm so sorry", she said sincerely. Gisele didn't look up. "Gisele, look at me."

Reluctantly, she raised her eyes and Ariana continued, shocked at how hurt she still looked. "My behavior was appalling; I don't know what to say. It had absolutely nothing to do with you, but I took at out on you because you were an easy target. There is no excuse for the way I spoke to you and I promise it won't happen again."

She could see she was getting through. "Gisele, there's stuff going on in my personal life, not stuff I can talk about, but it's a difficult time for me. I should never have brought it into the office and I should never have taken it out on you. Can you forgive me?"

Gisele smiled a very small smile and nodded.

"Good, now let's take a look at the reader reviews of your article on. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

They were all surprised when the day after Ariana's life fell apart ... the day the Elle magazine spread came out and the day the found out she was pregnant ... the reader reviews on the magazine's website showed that the everyday woman loved the article. Instead of focusing on ethereal beauties with unattainable figures and airbrushed features, the magazine showed how to work with the flaws that every woman has. It was Elle's highest selling issue this year. It looked like Gisele's career wasn't shot after all.

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