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A couple of hours later, Ariana clicked off the phone and handed it back to Jai.

"Thanks again. I can't believe I forgot my phone."

"In all that chaos, I'm amazed we even got out the door. So, is everything set?"

"Yep, I had to pay three times his normal rate and the poor guy is coming up the mountain on a snowmobile, but I got Frankie a male stripper for tonight. I hope he's not expecting much because I just don't have the time or the energy to come up with much more."

Jai sat down next to her on the sofa and slowly ran the back of his hand down her cheek. "I think I deserve credit for your lack of energy."

Ariana rubbed her tummy while answering. "Well, yeah... Wait!" She grabbed his hand and placed it on her abdomen where the baby was doing flip flops. "Feel that?", she nodded encouragingly.

Jai held his breath and said nothing. Ariana's face fell, assuming that once again the allusive little wiggle worm was hiding from him.

"That's amazing", Jai whispered.

"You feel her? You really do; you're not just saying that to make me feel better, right?"

"No, I really feel him. You know maybe basketball won't be his game after all. Maybe it'll be soccer or football."

"Help me up." Ariana held out her hand, ignoring Jai's ridiculous comment about his male progeny who was obviously going to be female. "We got a couple of hours until dinner and I have to go talk Frankie out of getting married."

"You what?"

"It's one of the duties of the best man, but it's just a formality. I secretly love Donny and know Frankie could never do better than him, but tradition is tradition." Then, noticing the forlorn look on Jai's face, she added, "Why don't you rent a snowboard and hit the slopes with Donny? We have about three hours until dinner." She smiled softly at him as his eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas morning.

"Seriously? That would be fantastic! And I promise not to break any bones." At her puzzled look, Jai explained. "It's just something my mom always said before my brothers and I did anything remotely dangerous ... like crossing the street or something."

"Thankfully, I'm not your mother ... but just the same, don't break a leg, okay?"


"Soooo... when are you going to tell me about this new development with Jai?", Frankie pondered while he and Ariana sat at one of the small tables in the lodge's bar. At this time of day, most people were on the slopes and it was mostly empty.

"Never", she replied curtly.

"That's not fair", the blonde pouted at his sister. "We've always told each other about our dates."

"Dates, yes. But Jai is much more than a date. And besides, I haven't heard any juicy details about Donny." Ariana's face took on a startled look and she added, "Not that I actually want to hear any details."

"You're right ... It's hard to explain, but Donny's ... well, he's my soulmate, Ari."

"I understand completely and I feel the same way about Jai. Even though it took me forever to figure it out."

"What is this? My little sister actually admitting she's in love?"

"I never said that", Ariana snapped without much conviction.

"Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you"

Always the Disney fan, Frankie went straight into a, luckily, quiet rendition of "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from the animated movie, Hercules.

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