I love you

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As much as I'd love to continue this marathon now I'm PASSING out😪 I'll update as soon as I'm awake so pls leave me some fun comments to wake up to!!


No one noticed them creeping through the restaurant ... since the entire hotel staff, along with Frankie and Donny, had joined Fabio, who was now sporting a long trench coat and was leading them in an overly erotic version of the Cha Cha Slide.

"Wow, look at that!", Jai exclaimed while pointing out the new magnum of Champagne and a plate of chilled oysters laid out on a small table, placed strategically in front of the roaring fireplace.

"Ooo, I love raw oysters and you know what they say about them", she said as she reached for a half-shell.

"Ah, ah, ah!", Jai said warningly while swooping in to relieve her of the offending mollusk. "Yes, they say that they're dangerous for pregnant women to eat." He popped the oyster into his own mouth and smiled at her.

"That's not fair!" She managed a fairly effective pout. "I can't eat oysters; I can't drink Champagne. What can I do?"

A wry smile came over Jai's face and he reached down and scooped her up, carrying her effortlessly to the round bed.

"Stop!", she squealed. "You'll break your back."

"Not a chance", he replied as he gently lowered her down. "You're still light as a feather."

She pulled him down for a kiss and said the instant before their lips met, "You're a wonderful liar and I love you." She cringed through the kiss, not believing what she'd just said.

Jai raised himself up awkwardly, being careful not to crush her, and looked deeply into Ariana's eyes. "I love you too."

Damn, he heard her.

Ariana smiled tightly at him. And then, an epiphany hit her square in the gut and it wasn't just the enthusiastic kicking of their child within her. Tears, those damn hormonal tears, sprang unbidden to her eyes and she tried to blink them away to no avail.

"Are you okay?", Jai asked, concern lacing his voice. "I'm not hurting you, am I?" He quickly sat up on the bed next to her.

"What?" She was still so overwhelmed at this new discovery of hers that she didn't hear him at first. "No, no, I'm fine. In fact, I'm better than fine." She struggled to sit up ... and failed as she flopped back down.

"It's okay, you don't have to get up", Jai reassured her as his hand gently rubbed her belly.

"No, I need to be vertical for this." She held out her to him and he automatically grabbed on and pulled her to a sitting position.

Ariana wiped her eyes, careful to avoid smearing her mascara, and took a deep breath. Still holding his hand, she squeezed it and looked into his eyes. "Jai... I. Love. You."

He didn't say anything ... just waited. He thought they were already past that and wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. Maybe she just needed to hear it again, but that didn't sound like Ariana; that sounded more like Ivy.

Sensing his confusion, she took both of his hands in hers and continued. "You don't understand. I love you. I love you. I love you."

Jai opened his mouth to respond. "I..."

"No, you don't have to say it. I'm not saying 'I love you' just to hear you say it back. That's not what this is about. I'm saying it because it's true and if I'm honest with myself, it's been true for a while now. And now...", she smiled broadly at him. "... now, I'm ready to admit it to you, to me, to the whole world." She stood up and executing an amazingly graceful twirl around the room.

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