Changing Friendships

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A few nights later Ariana was running late because of a minor crisis at the office. It appeared, at least on the surface, that someone was trying to undermine her position at work. It wasn't blatant and she couldn't prove anything, but it was disconcerting and troublesome and all Ariana wanted to do was flop down on that wonderful sofa and let Jai wait on her all night. Her feet were killing her. And now, she so didn't feel like battling that blasted elevator.

However, just as she was reaching out to open the gate, she heard the elevator groan to life above her. Ariana slumped against the opposite wall in relief. Jai must have seen her exiting the taxi and was coming down to meet her. He truly was the sweetest guy in the world.

A huge smile came to her face as the doors opened to reveal ... Ivy Michaels ... Brooks. She was standing in the center of the elevator with a scowl on her face until she saw Ariana. Then, her scowl turned to shock.

They were standing, staring at each other through the elevator's iron safety gate when Jai stepped out from the corner where he'd been standing unseen. He silently pulled back the gate, his eyes locked on Ariana the entire time.

"Ariana", Ivy finally stated once she and Jai had exited the elevator. And it was just that ... a statement, neither expecting nor requiring any response.

Ariana, still flying high on her reconciliation with Dianna, decided to put her best, aching, foot forward. "Hello, Ivy. You look wonderful. Is that an Armani suit? I recognize the line; it's one of their latest." Ariana couldn't think of any compliment greater than someone realizing that she was wearing the latest and therefore, the most expensive, designer clothing.

Ivy obviously didn't feel that way. She snapped at her. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes quickly running up and down Ariana's frame.

"I-I...", Ariana stumbled over the words. Damn, she hated feeling intimidated by this woman, but she couldn't seem to help it.

Jai stepped between the two, explaining, calmly, "She lives here, Ivy."

"She what? What have you done, Jai, turned your apartment into a home for wayward girls?"

"Excuse me?" Finally, Ariana found her voice. "Wayward girls? What century are you living in?"

Ivy completely ignored her and started walking toward the exit. "It's just like you, Jai, always taking in strays."

"I'm not a stray, damnit!" Ariana shouted as she stamped her foot. Of course, that foot stomping tantrum was much more effective in 4-inch Pradas. The white Nike sneakers she was forced to wear since her feet started swelling made her look like the caricature of a big city commuter. "I have every right to be here; I'm carrying his baby."

Ivy stopped short and whirled around. "That's not possible; he's sterile. We tried for over a year to get pregnant."

"Yeah? Well, his boys were swimming just fine for me, thank you very much! And that suit may be nice, but those shoes are three years old and the color is soooo last year."

"You tell her, Ari", Jai said encouragingly.

Ivy turned to Jai and smiled wickedly. "And you believe her? If I were you, I'd get a DNA test. She's obviously just using you." She turned on her three year old shoes and stormed out.

Jai took a deep breath when they heard the outside door shut and he reached over and took Ariana's hand in his. "You're probably wondering why she was here in the first place." Ariana said nothing. "She had this really cool great-uncle who just passed away. It seems that no one told him about the divorce and he left us some money, but she needed my signature to get it. It's $100,000, so even to someone with Ivy's income, it was worth the trip." Ariana was still silent and Jai looked nervous as he continued. "And I guess you figured out that I never got around to telling her, huh?" She continued to say nothing. "You okay?", he asked in concern. She'd been completely silent on their way back into the apartment.

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