Chapter 02: Freaky Men In Black.

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After catching the bus, Natalie got inside, and went over to the seat where her best friend Lindsey was sitting on the left side in between some of the students listening to music, and making paper airplanes.

"Morning Lindsey," Natalie said. "Morning," Lindsey said. "Why are you so happy today?" "I'm just relieved about learning from school today," Natalie explained. "Now that Vito and I are no longer dating, I'm finally free to catch up on school work." "Yeah, everyone told me that you two broke up weeks ago," Lindsey said. "Why did you want to break up with him, anyway?" "He kept skipping out on our date nights, and wouldn't tell me why he was doing it," Natalie explained.

"Well maybe he needed to do something important," Lindsey said. "Like maybe he's secretly a government spy trying to save the world from destruction." "Have you've been staying up late, watching spy movies again?" Natalie asked. "I can't help it," Lindsey answered. "Daniel Craig is excellent whenever he's in a suit wielding a gun."

Natalie then looked out the window, and saw a man with brown hair, wearing a black business suit, and sunglasses. With him were two look alike's of him who were stopping by a house. "Speaking of guy's in suits, that man from yesterday is back," Natalie said. "Which one?" Lindsey asked. "That one, with the limo he pulled up in," Natalie answered. "Last time we noticed him, he had only one twin of himself with him. Where did the second one come from? This guy must be cloning himself."

"The must have been birthed from the same family," Lindsey explained. "We both know what triplets are." "Yeah, children who were born at the same date," Natalie said. "But for all I know he could be making copies of himself with a magic copy machine that brings people to life." "You mean like a science experiment or something?" Lindsey asked. "Probably," Natalie answered. "But I'm starting to get suspicious with him going all over Ultra City with those clones of his. I'm worried that they might come for me next." "You're over reacting, Nat," Lindsey said. "Maybe this guy is probably just a door to door business salesman selling vacuum cleaners." "It's the beginning of February," Natalie said. "Who sells vacuum cleaners during cold weather?"

"Well most salesman sell there stuff in cold weather," Lindsey explained. "It happened to some of my neighbors before." "I doubt that," Natalie said. "I say, we find them, and spy on them to see how that guy keeps appearing after school." "Nat, are you crazy?" Lindsey asked. "They might capture us if we get too close to them, or worse they could take us away from our own families." "It's worth the risk," Natalie answered. "We'll just find them once school is over, and find out why there are more of them." The bus finally stopped at the public school, having everyone get out, so they could get to their classes.


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