Chapter 16: The Other Reality.

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After seeing Natalie frightened by the Doc-Bot, Vito opened the doors, and got out of the control room after parking the craft. Natalie then saw that her ex has left the control room, and stared at him as he got out.

Once Vito was near the Doc-Bot, he turned it off with caused it's hovering part to fade, and the bottom of it fell. Once Vito turned the Doc-Bot off, Natalie then crouched to where her knees matched her face, and folded her arms. "Why did I drag myself into this?" Natalie asked. "Ever since I spied on those secret agent clones, I got kidnapped, had a worm creature went into my stomach, and now a robot spider was trying to drill a hole in me. I just want to go home."

Morpheus crouched in front of Natalie, and placed his hand on Natalie's shoulder. "I understand you feel uncomfortable right now, but we need you've been brought here for a reason," Morpheus explained. "Your mother, and father went through the same thing when they found out about the other reality. You can do the same."

"Am I really that important?" Natalie asked. "If so, then why must I suffer all of this abuse? That robot was about to drill a hole in me." "It's only to give you a link into the other reality," Morpheus answered. "The other reality is where you'll be able to do things no average human can possibly accomplish. It's a risk you must take." "Yeah, besides I already have a hole," Vito explained, turned around, and unbuttoned his shirt. Once the shirt was off, Natalie noticed the hole surrounded by a black ring.

"The head-jack is only a tool you need to enter through the Matrix," Vito explained. "You'll need it in order to do so." "Come, if it'll make you feel better, we'll watch you while the hole gets made," Morpheus said. "You won't be frightened as long as your under our protection." Natalie got up, but was still scared from everything that happened to her. Finally after returning to the operating room, Natalie sat down on the chair that was in the room. "Now for this next part, you'll have to remove your vest, tie, and shirt," Morpheus explained. "All the Doc-Bot needs is a clear area of skin to insert the head-jack." Natalie took off her tie, vest, and unbuttoned her shirt, and placed them both on the table next to the chair. "Now just lie down," Morpheus explained.

Once Natalie took her clothing off, she laid down on the bed, and rolled over. Vito turned the Doc-bot back on, then Morpheus went over to Natalie, and pulled out a bottle of chloroform, and a wash cloth. After placing a bit of chloroform on the wash cloth, and then placed it on Natalie's nose to knock her out. Natalie passed out, just as the Doc-Bot was turn on, and began operating, by first pulling out the drill part of it's system, and grabbing a cleaner wash cloth. After making a tunnel through the neck, to the brain, the doc-bot cleaned the hole of blood, and inserted the head jack into Natalie's hole.


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