Chapter 04: Ones And Zeroes.

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Natalie finished the day with all of her school classes, then meet up with her friend Lindsey at the end of the day. "Lin, I need to talk to you about something," Natalie said. "What is it, Nat?" Lindsey asked.

"I saw something after I finished my history test," Natalie answered. "I went to sleep, and then woke up in a house inside a void that has nothing, but glowing green numbers. I think that suit guy is starting to get to me." "Don't be ridiculous," Lindsey said. "You only noticed him 7 hours ago before school started." "Yeah, but I'm starting to think he knows that we're after him," Natalie explained. "We have to figure out what he's up to before I see that void again."

"Well, I know where we can get the supplies to spy on him," Lindsey said. "We just need to get a ride." Lindsey whistled, and yelled for a taxi, then one showed up. The two girls got in, and saw the taxi driver. "Where to, girls?" the driver asked. "Take us to the Mega City mall," Lindsey answered. "We need to get supplies for a trip."

The taxi driver nodded, and brought them to the mall, where Lindsey payed the driver before they got out, and they headed inside. "It feels good to be back here," Lindsey said. "We haven't been at this mall, since you and Vito were dating." "Let's just focus on getting stuff for our investigation, and not worry about my ex right now," Natalie explained. "I'm pissed off at him enough." "Okay then Mrs. Cranky," Lindsey said. "Let's go get supplies then. It shouldn't take too long to get everything."

As the girls went into the mall, they headed to multiple stores to purchase camouflage poncho's, binoculars, black spying outfits, and of course some fruit to eat while they spy on the black and white suited men who keep going door to door all over town. "Okay, we have everything we need," Natalie said. "All we need to do now is get changed into this equipment before we can find that limo." "Well, I'm all okay with the black outfits, but why did we have to buy poncho's?" Lindsey asked. "It's not like it's going to rain today." "I swear, I am the only smart student at the school," Natalie answered. "The poncho's are camouflage colored, so we'll need them to blend in with the bushes outside of each house they stop by. They won't see us if we have them on."

"Oh, I knew that," Lindsey said. "How come you watch so many secret agent movies, but you don't know anything about what they do?" Natalie asked. "I don't know, sometimes I pay attention too much in school to focus on anything," Lindsey answered. "I keep trying too get caught up with homework like you do, but I never pay attention to everything else around me. I just wish there wasn't so much work in my life." "I'll help you with your problem after our little stakeout tonight," Natalie explained. "Now let's get this stuff we purchased on before we leave. We'll store everything else in our backpacks."


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