Chapter 12: Meeting Morpheus.

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Natalie followed her ex into the abandoned building, where a man with a small grey beard, and short hair, dark skin, and was wearing black robed clothing. Also in the room were Vito's team members from the van.

"Master Morpheus, I have brought the girl," Vito explained. "She was in the middle of the streets during night, and had a stomach bug in her. We managed to get the worm out every way we can." "You've done well, Vito," Morpheus said. "And I see she is a lot like her father. As for you, take a seat in front of me." Natalie took off her rain coat, and took a seat in the chair in front of the man wearing black robes. After sitting down, Natalie placed her rain coat on the chair.

"So, do you know why you are here?" Morpheus asked. "No," Natalie answered. "But it has to involve what those suit men want with me." "That's one of the reasons," Morpheus explained. "But also to tell you about what actually happened to your real parents. You might have gone through a lot, but so have they before they died."

"How did they die?" Natalie asked. "Your mother died by hovercraft impalement when she, and your father were in a crash. Afterwards, your father wiped out his own existence with a machine to stop the one known as Agent Smith. The men you spied on yesterday." "How did you know I did that?" Natalie asked. "Emit told me, after entering the place," Morpheus answered. "The point is, you are no longer safe from the outside with them infecting everyone. So you must stay with us for now."

"For how long?" Natalie asked. "Until the Agent Smith's are stopped," Morpheus answered. "But I promise you that you'll be under protection from my students. Before we can get you somewhere safe, I must ask you this question before we move on. Have you've been having trouble sleeping?" "Well yes," Natalie explained. "Every time I close my eyes, and reopen them, I keep finding myself in a dark room with a bed, and one window. Outside the window is nothing but a black void, with glowing green letters, and numbers. I'm not sure why I end up there, when I faint, but it scares me every time I go there. So when I'm there, I return to my original state the same way I entered." "I see," Morpheus said. "Mark was right, you are exactly like your father."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Natalie asked. "It means you have the same gift as him," Morpheus answered. "You have a brain that can function 100 times more than any normal human brain can," Morpheus answered. "Meaning you can develop a thousand times more knowledge, and remember everything due to how many times you study. This helps you with answering questions on test exams, and other things such as disabling bombs." "I guess that explains why I can finish a test that fast," Natalie said. "Natalie, if you want to save yourself, then you must enter the Matrix," Morpheus explained.


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