Chapter 20: Cleaned And Beautiful.

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Miranda helped Natalie out of her clothes, but kept the underwear on. Afterwards, Miranda sprayed Natalie entirely with deodorant spray, to make her smell refreshed. Natalie coughed after getting sprayed.

"How much is in that bottle?" Natalie asked, as she kept coughing. "Well we wouldn't want you smelling like Mark, because he's the only one who doesn't clean himself," Miranda answered. "Well, now that I've gotten those nerdy clothes off of you, let's change you into something most boys would like to see you in." Miranda then took the clothing off of the table, and placed it on Natalie to help improve her look. "Almost done," Miranda said. "You need a hair band to finish."

Miranda opened the door to the bathroom door, and went out of the room. "Wait right there," Miranda explained. "I'll go get it." Hours later, Miranda returned with the hair band, and placed it over Natalie's hair. "All done," Miranda said. "Now, don't you look beautiful now? Hidden behind that nerdy outfit, was a face waiting to appeal to men."

Natalie looked at herself in the mirror, and saw "Is this even necessary?" Natalie asked. "I don't mean to be mean, but all this pink on me, looks a little too bright." "When you're a girl, there's no such thing as too much pink," Miranda answered. "No come on. Let's get you some fresh air." Miranda helped Natalie out of the chair, and they both walked out of the women's bathroom. However, after Natalie got out of the chair, she fell to the floor. "This is my first time wearing higher heels," Natalie said.

"You'll get the hang of it, once we get you more clothing," Miranda explained. "Now how about I give you a tour of the hovercraft." "I don't even care at this point," Natalie said. "I'm just worried that Morpheus might want to talk with me again." "Well, only if you're assigned with you know who," Miranda explained. "Now let's get this tour over with." After leaving the women's bathroom, Miranda lead Natalie around the craft they were in, and showed her the break room, the head-jack plug in room, the laundry room, and the chat room. "Now you've already saw the surgery room, and the cock pit of the hovercraft, but now I'll show towards our bedrooms," Miranda said. "Don't worry, we saved one for you when you would come. Follow me."

Miranda continued the tour, and lead Natalie towards the hallway that had eight doors. "Now our bedroom doors might look similar, but what's on the other side is not similar," Miranda explained. Natalie smelled one of the rooms, and threw up in her mouth. "Why does one of them smell bad?" Natalie asked, as she plugged her nose. "That's Mark's room," Miranda answered. "He is the smelliest out of all of us. Now, let me show you to your room." Miranda went pass a few doors, and revealed that Natalie's room only had a bed in nothing else. "I know it's empty, but at least you won't be across from Mark," Miranda said.


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