Chapter 15: Prep Talk.

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Emit pulled off the Doc-Bot's controller, and used it to lead the Doc-Bot to Natalie. It got the response, and flew out of the room while still hovering. "Should we follow it to bring her back here?" Miranda asked.

"We won't need to," Emit answered. "This model can implant the head-jack when she's not even looking. So I suggest we just do what we usually do when we're not assigned to missions." "Sounds good to me," Mark said. "I could use another cold one." "That, and I need to work on more missionary technology that can help us next time we are assigned to missions." "Well before you do that, I need a massage," Miranda said. "Try and go easy on me this time."

Meanwhile, Natalie tried to find a way out, but every room looked similar to her until she reached the main deck, where she found Morpheus, and Vito piloting the hovercraft they were on. "I still don't see why we need my ex for this, Morpheus," Vito explained. "I didn't even want her involved when we started dating each other."

"Vito, you misunderstand," Morpheus said. "Your ex girlfriend is actually the daughter of the previous chosen one that saved the multiverse from evil. Many of the previous warriors working with us have failed, but luckily we could use her to help save it again." "I know it's for the best, but I'm just worried about her getting hurt," Vito explained. "How else do you think we both broke up. If we stayed together, she could've gotten killed just like her parents did back when they were fighting the Smiths."

"One thing you should know is that not everything needs to be a secret," Morpheus said. "Even if you tried protecting her she still has ways of figuring it out. Her destiny is important, even if it means risking her own life in the end. You remember when I recruited you, didn't you?" "Yeah, but what does that have to do with my worries for my ex?" Vito asked. "You weren't afraid when you discovered the other reality, and oddly enough, Natalie with go through the same way," Morpheus answered. "She has what her father has, higher intelligence than average human beings." "So she's smarter than the average bear, and smarter than the average human," Vito answered. "Affirmative," Morpheus explained. "That's why we need her to be with us."

Natalie suddenly felt guilty about hating Vito for so many months after they both broke up, and then noticed that the Doc-Bot found her, and panicked again. Vito heard Natalie's scream, and stopped the craft he was piloting. Once the craft stopped, Vito, and Morpheus noticed Natalie behind the door who was still frightened by the Doc-Bot. Vito was wearing a black buttoned shirt, with brown pants, and brown dingo boots. (Are those still around?) "God dammit, those teammates of mine," Vito said. "They just know how to make things bad for her." "We better calm her down, and see what's going on," Morpheus explained.


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