Chapter 10

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Okay hands up this is kinda smutty but like in the softest way possible so enjoy !

Avery's pov:
I woke up the next morning after a very sad and tiring night. I was woken up by a clattering sound in the shower followed by a loud "FUCK" i giggled and got up knocking on the bathroom door "everything Alright in there?" I ask leaning my head against the door. "Yeah sorry love it's alright"

I chuckled and got bored after a while of listening to the shower sounds so I knocked again "ry can i come in?" I ask. "Uh yeah sure" he yelled. I opened the bathroom door and it was hot as hell in there so i opened the small window and sat down on the closed toilet. "So how did you sleep?" I asked him. "Good baby, how about you?" He answered back. "Alright i guess" i shrugged. I grabbed some toothpaste and brush and started my morning mouth routine. "Can you pass me the towel love?" Ryder asked. I hummed toothbrush still in my mouth, i gave the towel to him and proceeded with brushing my teeth.

He stepped out of the shower with the towel around his waist and damn he was one hunk of a man i tell you that He looked at me and chuckled. When i was done brushing my teeth i sat down next to the sink while Ryder was doing his hair. "So what are we doing today?" I ask him. He hummed "i have to pick up some stuff from the market, you wanna come?" He asked. I nodded my head "sure let me just shower real quick first.

I took off my shirt and went for boxers when i was stopped by an now familiar sound a growl. I looked up and Ryder was looking at me "what's wrong?" I ask him confused. "Move" he said. I cocked my head to the side "what?" He kept staring at me "move, you're getting naked in front of the open window" he growled. "Oh oops" i said closing the window. I hopped in the shower when his back was turned to me and moaned at the warm water hitting my back.

Breakfast was good nothing special so we went out to the supermarket to get some things. We walked into the store i was looking around bored because Ryder was focusing on the stuff he needed to get. "Hey Ry I'm going to look around a bit" i said. He looked up from where he was reading a cereal label "not too far" he said. I waved him off and walked aisle to aisle until i found the candy one.

I did a little happy dance and looked around trying to chose what i wanted. My eyes landed on my favorite lollipops "ah yeah" i said grabbing a pack and walking back to find my domestic boyfriend. I finally found him at the dairy section "found everything?" He said. I nodded showing him the lollipops he chuckled throwing them into the cart.

He payed for the things and we were walking back to the car "oeh oeh can i open the lollipops?" I said jumping up and down holding his arm. "Fine, but get me a cola one" he said. I scrunched up my nose "ew those are the worst ones u weirdo" he stuck his tongue out and went to put the cart back. I opened the pack and picked a strawberry one and a cola one and sat myself down in the passenger seat.

I opened my lollipop and moaned at the taste. I haven't got these in so long cause I didn't have money for them and mom certainly won't buy them. Ryder returned and sat down in the car. I gave him his lolly and he thanked me. We started our wat back home and i was content with my treat. "Is it good baby?" Ryder asked after a moment. I hummed popping out the lolly "you wanna taste?" He nodded taking out his one to taste mine "eh it's a bit too sweet for me" he said putting his back in his mouth. "You're just weird" i said. He poked me playfully "watch it". I smirked "what? You didn't like my lollipop" i said in a way more seducing way than it was necessary. He gulped "stop it, I'm warning you" he said stern.

I didn't stop no i teased him all the way back home with moans and my lollipop. When we got home we went to open the door, i stepped one foot into the house and was slammed against the door "you wanna tease little boy?" Ryder said darkly. I gulped "i uh" he shushed me and put his leg between mine and put a bit of pressure on it "let's see who wins this game shall we?" He said smirking. I let out a whine when his leg touched my crotch. Before i could say anything he pulled his leg away and said "there are groceries in the car" and walked away smirking. I was still panting a bit and looking confused "you little bitch" i said under my breath. He was so gonna get pay back.
There it wasn't that bad now was it haha let me know if you guys have idea's on the story cause i'm out of ideas rn :( thanks for reading see you next time:}

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