Chapter 17

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Ellooooo enjoy the new chapter it has angstttt oehhhh👀 anyway enjoy!

Avery pov:
"I'm going to fucking kill you!!!" Shit shit shit why did Brad just not shut his mouth for one second now I'm holding back a very angry ryder while harry is trying to get brad the fuck out of here. "Ry calm down please for me" i said struggling to hold him back. He was getting more and more pissed off and I'm not strong enough to hold him back "LOUIS COME HELP ME PLEASE!!" I scream. Louis runs to hold the other arm of ryder.

"No i mean it you look so cute Avery" Brad said for the 5th time that day. I know ryder is losing it and I don't blame him to be honest. "Alright brad i get it" i said trying to hint him. "No but s-" "SHUT UP JEZUS" nobody looks shocked that ryder got mad i'm surprised Brad is still sitting with us to be honest. "Wow there mate what's your problem" Brad says annoyed. I scoff "you're hitting on my boyfriend infront of me!" Ryder said angry. Lou and harry just kept eating and watched it all play out.

"He's single dude calm down" brad said and oh man did he fuck up. "HE'S NOT FUCKING SINGLE!" ryder screamed standing up and thats my clue to step in. "Alright alright ry calm down." I said standing infornt of him. "And you, im not single so stop hitting on me" i said pointing to brad. He scoffed "well don't fucking tease then" he said. "" Ryder said pissed off more now. "I said keep your bitch at bay then" Brad said standing chest to chest with ryder. That's when louis stepped in "Alright no need to fight brad he didn't tease so shut te fuck up you're just mad you got rejected" louis said with the sass he always has. I laughed and ryder smiled as well happy that louis took his side. "You keep out of this" brad said harsh.

Now you've done it brad "keep your tone to yourself asshole" harry said defending his boyfriend. Louis smiled at him. "No you keep your fucking whore in place, and while you're at it set him on a diet will you?" And bam the first punch was landed. Brad now on the ground with a surprisingly calm harry above him "if you ever speak to any of us again i will make sure all of your bones are broken" he said with such a dark voice even ryder stepped back.
Harry who has now gone to comfort the almost crying Louis was taking a step back to let ryder finish it off. "Whatever all of these whores in this school" Brad said standing up with a bloody nose. "Yeah go fuck a pinecone you bitch" i said angry too.

"You fucking SLUT" Brad said turning to me ready to punch if it wasn't for ryder who charged at him "WHAT DID YOU CALL HIM" and yep its done for him. Harry surprisingly grabbed brad's shirt and threw him out of the way to get away from ryder.


Brad ran off while i was calming ryder down "shh thank you for standing up for me baby, he won't bother us again" i said. He huffed looked at harry "thanks" he said. I mean if it wasn't for him Brad would have been dead by now. Which talking about it "harry, why did you let him get away? No offense but he said worse things about louis than about me" i asked. Harry sighed kissing the top of louis head "i hit him, if I didn't hold myself in he would have been dead and i would have gone to jail so" he mumbled.

I nodded looking at the pair "you okay lou?" I asked he have stopped crying now, he just has puffy red eyes. "Yeah m'fine" he mumbled. I frowned knowing he was lying but thought it would be better to give them space "c'ome on ry let's go get to class" i said turning to my boyfriend. Before walking away is asked "lou are you guys still coming to classes?" Harry answered with "I don't think so Avery, I'm getting his stuff and take him home for the day" i nodded giving them both a fast hug and goodbye before turning to ryder.

This was a hard day.

AHHHHHH i love angst anyway hope you enjoyed don't worry im not gonna make it a larry fanfic lmao they're just good side characters. Now see you next time butterfliessssss

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