Chapter 18

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Hey guys, i know I didn't update for like 2 months so sorry for that :( i went on vacation and i kinda forgot i had this book 💀 anyway i really don't know what to do with it should i end the story or not? If you guys wanna see something happen in the story just comment please i have no idea what to do 👁👄👁 anyway enjoy the story!

Avery pov:

I huffed looking at the empty seat next to me. I'm still upset over what happend at lunch with brad, i mean that he called me names fine but louis did nothing wrong. I frowned and looked at the clock i still had 2 more classes to go to before the day ended. I was sitting in math at the moment and i don't hate math it's just always boring.

I started playing with my notebook when I suddenly hear a chair scraping across the floor and gasps. I look up unbothered to see a boy hunched over and breathing hard. Confused i looked at the teacher who was scared? A student ran out of class to get someone I'm guessing a nurse. I looked around to see a couple of confused faces like mine but a lot where also scared and angry?

My thoughts where interrupted when security ran into the class dragging the now squirming boy out of the class. I was still as confused as ever and the teacher decided to end the class early so i grabbed my stuff and went to go find ryder cause i know he has a study hour now.

"Hey you" ryder said seeing me enter the cafeteria. I smiled tired. I sat on his lap with my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head "don't you have math right now?" I nodded "some boy got all weird and angry security had to drag him out of the school so class ended early" i mumbled. Ryder froze in his seat. I looked at him confused "what?" He smelled my hair "ave, jesus did you know what happend just now?" He asked. "No" i said a bit grumpy.

"That guy went into rut" he whispered. And i thought for a second before remembering the talk i had about this stuff with ryder one weekend. "Oh what was that again?" I ask just to be sure. He sighed "it's when an alpha has an extreme urge to mate" ohhh now i remember it was the weird sex drive they had. "But why was everyone so scared?" I asked.

"Well cause they're were omega's in the class" he said. Oh oooooohhh then it clicked "wait wait there are WEREWOLVES AT THIS SCHOOL?!??" i screamed. Ryder coverd my mouth "ssht yes. And also not werewolves so shut it!" He hissed. And then i understood why there were also confused faces they were humans like me! I was deep in thoughts when i heard a groan form underneath me.

ryder groaned holden me "ave, i need to go home right now" he said. I looked at him "wha? Whats wrong u hurt??" I asked. He shook his head "no just-fuck let's go" he took my hand and books and we went home.

"Ry are you gonna explain why we needed to go home suddenly??" I asked getting a bit pissed. He huffed "ave, not right now" thats it i stood in front of him "tell me!" I insisted. Suddenly ryder growled, yes growled that didn't happen often but when it did oeeeeeeff it was scary. "I'M GOING INTO RUT FOR FUCK SAKE!" he screamed. Oh oh shit. "Alright calm down let's get you to bed" i said helping him upstairs but that was another mistake.

❗️❗️TW !! sexual assault ❗️❗️
When we were upstairs i helped him undress and laid him down "alright rest i will be downstairs" i said to him. I went to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me down on the bed kissing my neck "mine" he growled. Shit shit "y-yeah ry yours now let go before your rut starts" i said a bit shook. But he didnt he kept on kissing and licking my neck marking it up. When i tried to move away he held me tighter now i got scared "r-ry please s-stop it!!" I screamed. He didn't butch.
He kept on marking me and at some point he tried to get my pants off i was terrified at this point the worst part being that i know he didn't have control of this.

I tried and tried to get him off he got my pants off and was going for my underwear when i screamed as loud as i could "STOP IT PLEASE PLEASE"

It wasn't until i let out a sob when he snapped out of it "shit baby, i'm- GO NOW PLEASE" he said letting me get away fast i ran out the door hearing it lock behind me. I slide down the door still crying.

What a fucking day.
See you next time guys (hope the tw helped btw!!) hope you guys liked it see you next time :))

THe boy and the wolf (boy x boy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu