20 • C O N C E R N

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“I'll give my life up for you, you are my dream. And baby everything that u have is yours, you will never grow cold or hungry...you would make my complete, just to have your eyes in little me...”

- Next To You by [Niall Horan]


Chapter 20


After a few minutes I crawled underneath the sheets and drifted off to sleep, only to wake up the next morning to find Clark holding me tightly against his warm chest.

In the early morning, before the sun would even rise, I would turn towards him and cuddle him - a new thing that I realised I've been doing.


"Like no offence, maybe you want to start dieting again like you did all the other years." A colleague of mine with black hair says as the elevator comes to a stop and she walks out.

I had so many reason to pulp that woman, but I knew it would end up in nothing but trouble. So why go through all if it, since she clearly is not worth it.

I shake the feeling of self-conscious off. Because I knew I was not fat, not was I ever on a diet.

I greeted Jenny and Lois, right now Clark was reporting some incident that happened last night at a nearby casino. The casino was almost robbed, but luckily Superman showed up.

As I read through the articles I had to finalise and send to Perri, but the thought of what Clark was doing right now, made me smile like crazy. He had no reason to go there, since he saw everything go down, but everyone else didn't know that.

Earlier Martha had called, asking if she could come to visit us a bit, I really didn't mind at all, and I told her that. She could show up anytime and I'd be fine with it.

I lean backwards in my seat, the feeling of hunger taking over. I take a pack of chocolate chip cookies, and nibble on them while I complete my work.

I scheduled the meeting in the centre of Metropolis, for next month. Lois was now helping me out, I think it was because Clark asked her to, but every time I asked, she'd never reply.

So right now, all I had to do was was update the webpage seeing as it had been reconstructed my a new intern who specialised in software, so he was in the editorial section and the uploading of the news to the network, and I was one if the writers behind it all.

My eyes slowly became heavy and I couldn't keep out anymore. It was three hours before I left work. Upon me forcing myself to continue through the day, I rushed to the bathroom thrice, and Jenny's worried expression almost made me slip up give today.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor. I'm sure Perri will be okay with you leaving early."

"Jenny, no. I'm okay, I'm not sick at all...just...tired, honestly."

"I-I'll be now back." I say and stand up quickly from my chair and walk at a seemingly fast pace to the bathroom - which I was thankful to be unoccupied.

Within minutes I walk back to my office and take me seat again. I lean backwards in my seat and close me eyes as I regain my breath.

"That's it." Jenny says and drops a file onto my desk.

I get a huge shock from her sudden appearance that I almost fell out of my chair.


"I'm going to tell Clark to take you to the doctor."

"Jenny I'm okay. I just needed to use the bathroom." I try to reason.

"Who uses the bathroom four times in a time frame if six hours?"

"Me? A person with a weak bladder, a person who drank to much water or liquids, I don't know." I say and look to my computer to see that it has been logged out from.

"I logged you out and told Perri that you weren't feeling okay." Jenny says and turns to leave my office.

I watch her walk to Clark, and catch him giving my a worried look. I grab my bag and belongings and walk over to him.

"Hey, I'm leaving a but earlier than expected, not feeling too good. So, see you at home. I love you." I say and kiss his cheek and walk to the elevator where I run into nobody else than that nosy woman from earlier today.

"You know what? I don't think dieting is going to work out for you-" I cut her off, growing tired and irritated by her attitude.

"I'm sick and tired of your attitude. You think you can just come waltzing into here and judge and criticise people, well you just be mistaken. And btw, I'm pregnant."


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