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Chapter XXVII.

Time is the wisest counselor of all. – Pericles

Lauryn's POV

Why did I just scream? That was embarrassing... And now I still had the phone in my hand with the man still trying to get my attention. Now that I have had a moment to catch my breath real quick. I was able to give the window a second look with a clear head. It was really out there ...a brand new Mercedes Benz GLE Coupe in a deep forest Green with all the trimmings for what I can see from my perch. Addison laughed a little over my shoulder as he cleared his throat, "I see that cat definitely fire. My man out here dropping some bands on you". If I wasn't shocked and still had my wits I would have had to say something to him.

"Girl go get your new car. Got me out here about call up my man asking where mine at" Audi said from behind me as she smacked on her rice as she looked down at her phone. Like Audi needed a new car, she was already driving an A7 Audi that wasn't even a year old yet. Spoiled ass.

"She right go get your car, girl" Zora encouraged as she went over to the food to make herself a plate. I knew she didn't have free time like the rest of us since she worked in an office that had a pretty strict time schedule. Food was the last thing on my mind right now anyway.

I ran my hand over my slicked ponytail to make sure my middle part had no frizz coming off of it as I walked myself to the parking lot. My phone had been completely forgotten as I got closer to the car. I'm not even a car person to be honest. If the thing had a motor and got me from Point A to Point B then I was cool with it. Shoot, my Accord barely did that since it had been hit a year ago. While the damage at the time didn't seem like a big deal, the car has never really driven right since the repairs. Even Granny said I should have traded it in. But, I didn't feel like I had the right to ask someone else to be paying for a car that I was going to be driving.

My hands were shaking as I got closer to the man I assumed was on the phone and Andre as they were loading up my Honda to be taken away or wherever. "Ms. Taylor I was told to let you know once you're done with your appointments for the day to go to the location put in your GPS. And make sure that you drive safely" the man said as he handed me the key fob.

Before I could fix my mouth to decline the car he was already back in his Benz and being followed by the tow truck. Looking back over at the car sitting pretty not even 2ft from me I wasn't sure what I should do next. While, I knew I needed a new car. It felt wrong to allow Sly to break me off with one like this. This car had to be well over 50,000 dollars and he wasn't even pushing something this new. Yes, he had a Porsche but this car I could tell was brand new, probably off the showroom floor.

As I pulled the door open and sat my legging covered cheeks on the peanut butter colored leather I sighed from how soft the seat felt. This was the type of car I thought a celebrity might be rolling in, but who was I to know. Just as I got myself emotionally under control I felt that nagging voice in the back of my head questioning if I should even accept this car. If Sly wasn't my man then this car wasn't mine because this was a perk of being his girl. I was just Elle, Becca's lil' sis. "Damn, I might need to look at copping a Benz, shiiiit" AD said as he pulled my door open more so he could lean over me to look at the center console.

He definitely made enough money cutting hair to afford it from the way he stayed booked. I leaned back some so he could get a better view because it was feeling like he was about to kiss my neck from the way his breathing was caressing my neck giving my goose bumps. See, I ain't right for thinking about AD like that when Sly just bought me a new car. Now I was going to have to return it. Just as I was about to move AD over so I could go back in to check my appointment manager app Audi thrusted her phone towards me with an annoyed look. "It's for you" she said as her eyes lit up seeing the car so close.

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