Chapter 1

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Your outfit in Magnolia

Gray POV

"What is taking them so long?" Team Natsu was waiting outside at the train station for Yuki Dragneel and her brother to arrive so they could start their mission. It was to capture and return a dark guild mage which had strange magic, apparently every time someone would try to take on this job, they wouldn't return. "Guys! Sorry we're late, Natsu was being a lazy bum and wouldn't wake up" Yuki yelled. My face lit up when I saw her, I gave her a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. "Graaaayyyyy!" she pouted and puffed her cheeks, which honestly didn't help, it made her even cuter and I couldn't resist, I squeezed her even tighter and planted a kiss right on her lips. Yuki blushed but returned the kiss. "Hey, Ice Princess who said you could kiss my sister?? Huh?"

"Shut up Slanty Eyes we are a couple so who says I can't kiss my own girlfriend?"

"Uhh, umm, I did!!" 


Uh oh and before we knew it, we were knocked out by the one and only Erza Scarlet.

- Timeskip - 

Yuki POV

We arrive to the job destination it was village but it was quiet, too quiet. "Ohh, lookie here 5 fairies and two kitties, this will be fun." a figure above us said, the 5 of us then sprung into action. "LIGHTNING DRAGON ROARRR!" "OPEN GATE OF THE LION, LOKE" "ICE-MAKE LANCE" "REQUIP, HEAVENS WHEEL ARMOUR" "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST" when the dust cleared we saw him, untouched, unscathed. "Ooooh, I'm in for a treat today, two dragons and by the looks of it I think I have my next two subjects at my disposal" "DON'T TOUCH YUKI!" Gray said to him, "Oh but I don't think you have a choice, these two are very valuable dragons, the king and queens children I presume?" Natsu and I looked at each other, then down to our scarves, they were the last things our parents gave us before they disappeared on the 7th of July 777. " DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT OUR FAMILY" we both shouted! Bambi and Happy backing us up by giving us a set of wings. "that means you both are technically the prince and princess of the dragons." the dark mage smirked. With the flick of his wrist Natsu and I were tumbling down to Earth and we landed with a hard thud. "YUKI!" Gray's eyes filled with worry, and Lucy ran over to Natsu's side "NATSU?". They Gray and Lucy were shot with a powerful blast sending them headfirst into some rubble, "Have fun prince and princess enjoy your time there." a magic circle encased me, Natsu, Bambi and Happy. Gray, Lucy and Erza were banging on the barrier. "It's no use, it's an enchantment," we fire attacks at it but it's no use, we see ourselves slowly disappearing, I go to the edge of the magic circle. "Gray, I love you." Gray looks up at me with tear stained cheeks. "No Yuki, I'll get you out I promise, I'll find you and bring you back home, I promise." he said through sobs. "I love you." we said at the same time as the four of us vanished out of thin air.

Gray POV

I looked around hoping to see Yuki around, hoping it was a weird dream but no. Lucy was crying, Erza looked down in the dumps and I was fighting back tears. "I guess we should go home and report this to master?" the three of us agreed and silently walked back to the guild not uttering a sound.

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