Chapter 14

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Yuki POV

After Gray and my unison raid, all the other students were in shock, we high-five, "The Fairy Tail way!" I laugh, "Yeh, there's no way we can do a single job without destroying at least half the city, oopsies," I giggle, "You got that right, now come on, do you want to beat Natsu, Lucy, Bambi and Happy?" I grin, "You bet!" We continue across until we see a patch of dirt, I see Todoroki, Hedgehog and Deku are about half way, stepping slowly and cautiously, from closer inspection, I curiously touch one of the disks, it explodes with pink smoke, I turn around to Gray, I guess they're mines. He starts laughing uncontrollably, "What's wrong?" I cock my head to the side.

"Pfftt, hahahahaha, your face, hahaha" I was so confused, "I though you said I looked cute? Did the smoke change my face? Am I ugly??!!" Gray laughs even harder, "No, no, you look beautiful as always, it's just," He grabs a handkerchief from his b...

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"Pfftt, hahahahaha, your face, hahaha" I was so confused, "I though you said I looked cute? Did the smoke change my face? Am I ugly??!!" Gray laughs even harder, "No, no, you look beautiful as always, it's just," He grabs a handkerchief from his back pocket, "Here, come closer," He starts wiping my face and shows me the hanky, it was now bright pink, I snicker and laugh with him, "There we go, nice and clean, just don't do that next time, I don't want to wipe your face again." He finishes with a smirk. We look back at the three boys and they're about three quarters of the way there now, "Gray! Hurry! They're almost at the end!" He sighs, "When I make some platforms, I'm going to need you to shock the ice behind us and break it, that way others can't follow us up and across," I nod, "ICE-MAKE PLATFORMS!" We hop, platform to platform, shocking each one as we go, the boys, look up at us, shocked at our technique and synchronised teamwork I grin and pull a face, we jump down and start running the rest of the way.

"BY THE LOOKS OF IT, IT LOOKS LIKE DRAGNEEL AND FULLBUSTER'S PLAN WORKED AND THEY ARE FAST APPROACHING THE FINISH LINE!!" I roll my eyes and snicker, Present Mic, will he ever learn to tone it down. "Race you there, last one there is flying fish!" I say to Gray, I shiver at the though, I remember when Happy told us to eat that fish, it was so bland, tasteless and dry ugh disgusting. I see the end of the tunnel, I run as fast as I can. "AND IN FIRST PLACE IS... GRAY FULLBUSTER OF CLASS 1-A!!" I glare at him and he smirks proudly, "Well I guess you are the flying fish," I pout but can't help but smile. He gives me a big hug, "You did so well, I'm so proud of you and I'm sure the guild is too." I hug him harder "I miss everyone, I even miss forkface Gajeel," "I never thought I would see the day where you would say that." He smirks "I push him away "Shuddup Ice Princess." I pout but smile.

Midnight POV

"Next up we have a cavalry battle, you will be in teams of four, each team has a headband, worth x amount of points, steal other teams bands and you will go up in ranking, only the top 4 teams get through, but there is a catch... the person who came first, is worth 10 million points, this is a chance for the bottom to overthrow the top, you have 5 minutes to pick your teams and get ready."

Yuki POV

Once Midnight said that everyone's eyes drilled into Gray, I nudge him, "Um, you do realise that recovery girl just have you a new top but you seemed to have already taken it off," I facepalm, he just laughs. 

- Timeskip -

Our team consisted of Natsu, Lucy, Gray and I, we asked Bambi and Happy is they wanted to join us in their exceed form, but they weren't listening to Natsu or I, instead they walked over to this purple haired boy, which now has given him a huge advantage because he essentially as two sets of wings and is stealing bands left and right. We also have another benefit with Luce on our team, she is now capable of summoning 3 spirits at a time, this technically allows us to have 7 people on or team which is helpful for defending our headband, we chose to defensive, with a number this high we could just run away and not grab any bands, we would still make it into the next round. I was on top, Natsu was my left wing, Lucy was front and Gray was my right wing, it was difficult for him to make proper objects to his full ability because he only had one hand spare, he had to use his other hand to keep me up. 

- Timeskip - 

After the cavalry battle, we were first, we went the defensive route and no one could grab our headband, we are Fairy Tail wizards after all, it the least you could expect of us. "Teams: Todoroki, Bakugou, Shinso (his team was Bambi, Happy and Monoma) and Yuki advance to the next round." Ms Midnight says. We were given half an hour to rest up and heal before our 1 on 1 battles, I'm fighting first against Monoma. Out of the corner of my eye I see Monoma come up to me, "Ha! Looks like we do get to fight each other after all, you better keep true to your deal and give me a high-five at the beginning of the match, with a quirk like yours I'm sure I can beat you to a pulp." "I don't think you can beat her to a pulp, you couldn't, but I can pulverise you in a second." I see Gray towering over Monoma, a dark aura radiating off of him, his devil slaying magic markings starting to appear, "You know what, I think Kendo is calling me over there," He scurries over to her and starts gloating to his classmates on how he managed to get to fight in the next battle. 

"Gray... clothes," I sweat drop, "Argh, how does this keep happening?" "I don't know you tell me," I say with a smirk, "How bout we go to a little walk, to clear our minds before our 1 on 1's?" I smile, "Good idea," We go outside and sit under the shade of a tree, "You know, ever since being here and growing accustomed to it, it isn't too bad here, I just miss the guild and I want to see them again." "I know what you mean, I also want to say, back home, there's this girl who joined our guild, her name's Juvia Lockser, she's crazy obsessed with me and says she's in love, she calls me Gray-sama and follows me aorund everywhere," I look up at Gray's eyes, "Did sniff* you replace sniff* me?" "WHAT?! No of course not, I love you so much, and I wouldn't trade you in the world for anything," He held me close and I snuggled deeper into his chest, "I wanted to let you know that if she is ever clinging on my arm or calling me pet names, just know that I'm with you till the end, I love you Yuki, and nothing's going to change that." I smile up at him and he plants a kiss right on my lips, "I love you too Gray," "WILL ALL STUDENT PLEASE ASSEMBLE TO THEIR ASSIGNED AREAS, THE 1 ON 1 BATTLES WILL BEGIND SHORTLY!" "Well, I guess it time to get going, I need to get ready for my battle, I'm first." "Good luck princess, and beat him to the ground, if he even tries hurting you I'll wish he never advanced into the 1 on 1's" I giggle knowing that he was half kidding but half serious, "Don't go all Ice Devil on him either," I snicker "Bye! And good luck on your battle with Todoroki." I run of quickly into the arena, getting ready, I arrive just in the nick of time "Yuki Dragneel?" "Yes I'm here sir," "Mr Aizawa wanted me to give you this note to you," "Thank you sir."

To Yuki,
Beat that kid and show him what 1-A students are capable of, specifically 
Fairy Tail mages, Good Luck and I will be watching from the box.

Love: Shota <3

I smile at the message Shota gave me, and walked out confidently onto the grounds.

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