Chapter 6

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Natsu POV

I go to the guy change rooms I get my box labeled  22 I open it and see my old clothes I wore back home, I grin memories rushing back of our nakama, Fairy Tail. A guy with blond hair with a black lightning bolt looked at my arm and said "WOAH! COOL! This guy has a tattoo," Everyone gathers around and looks at my guildmark, "Oh it's not a tattoo, it's a guildmark," "What's a guildmark?" Oh crap I forgot I can't tell anyone about Yuki and I being mages, "Oh haha, it's a family crest type thing everyone home has one." I reply remembering everyone and how much I miss them. I'll even admit I miss Ice Princess, just a teeny tiny bit. 

Yuki POV

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Yuki POV

I was in the girls change rooms I was having a conversation with Mina when she suddenly was like "WOW! YOU HAVE A TATTOO! I'M JEALOUS" I look at her in confusion, I don't have a single tattoo, then I realise she is talking about my guildmark. "Oh this is a symbol of our family, think of it like a crest, everyone has one, see even Bambi." She shows hers. "WOAHHH! SO COOOOOOl!!" We giggle at her excitement and I open my box 21 and see my old Fairy Tail clothes, I smile at all the memories of our guild it may be rowdy, but it's home. We head outside and everyone is looking at our 'costumes'. 


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Deku POV

I look at Yuki and Natsu's costumes, they don't seem to have any support items or anything that could help them, "Hey, um, Yuki?" "Yes," "Does your costume have any support items or any benefits to help you during battle?" "What, ppft, no, these are just my normal clothes same for Natsu, man does it feel good to be back in familiar fabric," she giggles and hugs herself. Everyone now is looking at them, they have no support items or anything to help them in battle, just how strong are they? Their costumes too it seems like they are showing off their family crests, is it a honor type thing? (pretend Yuki's outfit has a gap from her right shoulder showing off her guildmark.)

Aizawa POV

We are having another quirk assessment test today except I have added in one more test for later, we will be skydiving but they will have to use their quirks to make sure they get down safely, as they won't have a parachute, "Ok, Bakugou go again, your previous score was 705.2 meters, see if you've improved." "DIE!" I show the class his results, 923.7 m "An extra 218.5 meters, not bad." 

Bakugou POV

Heh, see if those two newbies can beat that

Natsu POV

'I WANNA GO, I WANNA GO!" Shota passes me the ball "Hey Natsu! Use your weakest attack, we don't want you running out of etherion!" "Kay sis" "FIRE DRAGON TALON!" It whizzes past far far away, but not only did I throw the softball, I might of also destroyed the grounds, a lot. Yuki comes up to me "Do it the Fairy Tail way, we can't do anything without destroying at least half the city." She grins Bambi comes up behind us and hits us both on the head "Natsu what were you thinking I know that was your weakest attack but you still didn't need to do that" she gestured to the grounds "and Yuki, don't you ven think about doing what Natsu did." "Ok, mum." We both reply snickering. Aizawa showed the score 108349.7 km. I wasn't happy with that score, "Hey Shota I wanna do it again but with my strongest attack!" "Maybe later, after your sister." "Yay!" everyone's jaws dropped, they were amazed that this score was only his weakest attack, how strong must his strongest be??!!

Yuki POV

I get to throw twice tooI want to use my weakest and strongest attack to see where my limits are in this world. I take a deep breath in I start with my weakest attack "LIGHTNING DRAGON IRON-FIST" my score 108365.5 km "HA Natsu! See even with my weakest I still beat you who's better now" And I pull a face, he pulled one back but I don't pay attention I reading for my next throw. "LIGHTNING-FIRE DRAGON ROARRRR" my score 10374298734 km, there was a even huger crater where my attack was. "hehe, oops." I scratch my head nervously. The entire class goes "WHAT??!!!" then Natsu spoke "What the heck sis since when could you use fire?" "Hmmm, lets just say when you were eating I saw training with dad." I saw smugly. Then I see a fire in his eyes, "Two can play that game," "FIRE-LIGHTNING DRAGON IRON-FIST" 10374298734 km the same as me, I was shocked "WHEN??!" "well when you were sleeping I was training with mum" He cheekily replies.

Aizawa POV

Ok now lets go to the other tests...

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