Chapter 17

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It was after the sports festival, Natsu was 1st, Gray was 2nd and I was 3rd. We blew the audience away with our sheer strength and strategic skills, Natsu and Gray might be idiots, but when they need to be, the can really use their heads. Apparently the next thing is this thing work experience, hero's put in applications for students they see stand out and ask for them to come to their agency for a week to work with them. I was shocked, all 6 of us were quite high on the board for applications. It was quite an uneventful day after that, I ended up picking the Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu, along with Gajeel, Wendy and Natsu, she applied for all four of us seeing that we have dragon magic or 'quirks'. We then as a class decided to go to the mall to buy some goods before our week away from school, someone had to buy a duffel bag and someone had to buy some clothes so we just decided to go as a a class which was pretty exciting, we only had markets in Fiore so this 'mall' supposedly had everything in levels, that's exciting!

- Timeskip -

We arrive to the mall and the instant we stepped foot, Gajeel, Wendy, Natsu and I stopped, "Hey, um, guys? You ok?" We didn't move we were stuck on the spot. "H-How come I can smell Killua and Igneel..." Natsu and my eyes wide ope, "G-Grandeeney too..." Wendy was about to fall to her knees, "I-I smell Metalicana too.." Gajeel's eyes wide in surprise, "Hey guys what's wrong?" I feel Mina's hand on my shoulder, I'm too choked to say a word, Gray steps in for us, "Their magic is dragon slaying, when they were younger, they were fostered by these dragons, they have a parental role for these four, and since they have such a sensitive sense of smell, they probably smell them, but how, is beyond me." Mina looks at us, all four of us were close to tears, "Hey guys, do you think it's like Porlyusica in Edolas, do our dragons have counterparts here on Earth too?" We start sniffing the air like dogs, trying to pinpoint the smell, until our eyes laid on a table of four adults, their hair reflecting the colours of our respective dragon's scales, one gray, one white, one red, one yellow. "HEY! YOU FOUR!" The four of us yelled. Mina, Denki, Ochako and Sato covered the four of our mouths, "I'm so sorry about them!" They bow, we wriggle out of thir grasps, "WHO ARE YOU GUYS AND WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE IGNEEL, KILLUA, GRANDEENEY AND METALICANA?!"Now the four adults look at us weirdly, "I'm sorry have you mistaken us for someone?" 

"No way in hell, I know the smell of my own mum like the back of my hand, my dad's too!" I yell, now they look at us super weirdly, "So, um, miss... do you have a smell quirk or something?" Oh, yeah they have quirks here not magic, "No Ma'am I have lightning fire dragon slaying magic, I come from an alternate universe, we come from earthland and your smells are just exactly like our dragons back home who disappeared." 1-A's eyes widen, and are in shock, they only just realised "ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY, DO YOU KNOW WHO THESE FOUR ARE?!" the 6 of us shake our heads, "That's the Sky Dragon Hero: Glycon, Metal Dragon Hero: Falcor, Lightning Dragon Hero: Static and the Fire Dragon Hero: Typhon!" Deku screams fanboying. We look at them, we step closer and inspect them, "It's scary, you have the exact same voice as Grandeeney, smell and eyes." Wendy speaks up, "Yeah same to you mr Typhon and miss Static, just like mine and Yuki's parents, the lightning dragon queen Killua and fire dragon king Igneel."their eyes widen, "Did you just say Killua and Igneel?" we nod, "No way" they stand up and hug us, we were very confused and tried to squirm away, "I remember now, I'm not sure how or why I remember, but I am a counterpart of the lightning dragon Killua and my teammate here is the counterpart of Igneel, we both have dragon quirks but it can only be used sparringly, it's extremely strong and we can't even fully muster its power.", the same thing is happening to Gajeel and Wendy, Gajeel is close to using his iron club on this guy. "If you want you can train with us, we are the children of your original people, so if you want to train your powers and become stronger, shoot us a call." we all say with a grin. We wave goodbye and continue with our walk with 1-A, they were so shocked on how we just scored training with one of the top hero teams in all of Japan. We laugh, "It was like talking to our parents again," we smile sadly, "Wait so I overheard you guys saying, your parents are dragons, that's only their magic right, there's no such thing as dragons, right?" We glare at Aoyama, "OF COURSE THERE ARE THINGS SUCH AS DRAGONS, DIMWIT! AND YES WE DID HAVE THOSE REPTILES AS PARENTS IT WASN'T THEIR MAGIC, THEY WERE REALLY 330 FEET TALL SCALEY THINGS WITH WINGS, CLAWS AND A TAIL!" Gajeel was at Aoyama's throat, he looked like his poor soul was about to leave his body, we all got a little mad whenever anyone though we were lying that our parents weren't actually dragons "Settle down tiger," I punch his shoulder, "WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU BATTERY!" We lock heads, "SHUT IT IRON FACE, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ALREADY, WE'RE IN A PUBLIC PLACE!" 

"Guys..." we look over to Lucy, Taurus's key in hand, "Shut, UP!" and hits us on the head. "Ow, that hurt Lucy!" Everyone laughs at our reactions. We continue on your journey to buy goods at this mall, which was very entertaining, they had these doors which would open on their own and boxes which moved up and down with the push of a button, it was very intriguing. 

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