Chapter 10

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Gray POV

We go into class, labeled 1-A, even though technically Natsu, Lucy and I could be second years, we wanted to stay with Yuki so we chose to be first years. We have a teacher Ms Midnight because Mr Aizawa couldn't be bothered to teach this lesson and because she apparently has more experience in the field. "Ok class, today we will be choosing your hero names," Lucy raises her hand "Yes Heartfilia-san," "Is it ok, if Natsu, Gray, Yuki, Bambi, Happy and I make a quick announcement, it will only be a few minutes?" "Yes of course." The four of us talked over this at lunch, we were going to tell our class about us being mages. I stood up and stood next to Yuki. 

Lucy POV

"Um-well, We aren't what you thought we were," The class looked confused, "We don't have any quirks, we are what you would call, quirkless people." Now the class was even more confused "Then tell us now Natsu and Yuki blast and shock anything in their way?" A girl with purple hair and headphone earlobes says, "Ah, yes, oui." A boy says but I can't even see him properly, he's too shiny and sparkly. "Well, we don't use quirks, we use magic. We come from a parallel universe, we feed off a source called etherion it what essentially powers our magic, our bodies just naturally absorb it, that's why we don't really have weaknesses like you guys, but instead we just get tired or lethargic." The whole class was silent... "WHAT??!!!!!!" They all shout, I see Natsu and Yuki wince, Gray cupped his hands over Yuki's which were already on her ears, to try and quieten the sudden outburst. 

"I use celestial magic, I can summon spirit with my keys," I demonstrate with Loke, "OPEN, GATE OF THE LION, LOKE!" "Hey Lucy, you, summoned me is it time for our wedding? A date perhaps?" They he sees Gray and Yuki, "Gray!! How you been buddy haven't seen you since well the S-class trials? Yuki! How have you been princess?," He kisses her hand, good one Loke, your frozen. "Hey! Back off, we may be pals but don't steal my girl!" Gray is hugging Yuki pushing Loke away with his foot, it was quiet a funny scene. "Well, Luce I got to go, Aries is calling me, it's a surprise apparently," He winks and disappears. 1-A was so confused with what had just happened.

Gray POV

"I use ice-make magic and ice devil slayer." I demonstrate by making an ice model of Yuki and I also created a ribbon bow for her. I pass it over to her, "Wow you really are just showering me with gifts today aren't you ice boy?" She batts her eyelashes and giggles, "Maybe," I say with a smirk, "What can I say, I missed you." I go to tie the ribbon in Yuki's blue ponytail when I hear a squeal from the second row. "Why do you guys have to be so damn cute? Yuki, I'm jealous." I see Mina pouting, I chuckle and make a hair clip for her, her eyes sparkle "Are you sure?" I nod, she squeals and clips it on her hair, I look over to Yuki and she's on the floor laughing. I bend down and tickle her stomach, which is her ticklish spot and she laughs even louder "Gray hahahahh sto-hahahah plea-hahahahah!" I flop on her and squish her under my body weight. Now she giggles even more. Then I hear Natsu clear his throat, "Are you done yet or is it my go now Ice Princess or are you just going to keep flirting with my sister?" "Who says I can't Flame Brain?" "I did Popsicle!" "Well she's my girlfriend Slanty Eyes!" "Well, I'm her brother Droopy Eyes" "BOYS!" We stop and see Lucy gritting her teeth, "Your making a bad impression of both yourselves and Fairy Tail!" We both stop. 

Natsu POV

"Finally," I glare at Gray, he just rolls his eyes, I stick my tongue out at him, "You already know this but I use dragon slaying magic, my element is fire, my dad taught be how to use it, he is Igneel, the fire dragon king, technically making me and Yuki the Prince and Princess of the dragons, that's why we got transported into your world in the first place. I take on the abilities of a fire dragon, I can eat fire and use fire based attacks, although I can use a little bit of lightning dragon slaying magic because my mum taught me a bit." I saw with a grin. "Happy here is my buddy, he is an exceed, although he may look human, that is his transformation magic, although he mainly uses his aera magic, which is what allows his to grow wings and carry me around."

Yuki POV

"Way to steal the spotlight Natsu," I playfully glare at him, "I am the lightning dragon slayer, I take on the characteristics of a lightning dragon, my mum Killua taught me, she is the lightning dragon queen. I can eat lightning and use lightning based attacks, and like Natsu I can use a bit of fire dragon slaying because dad taught me a bit." "Are there many dragon slayers back where you come from, because by the sound of it, they seem pretty common." Deku asks, "Actually, no, in total I only know of 8 dragon slayers in a whole kingdom. So I guess you could say we aren't people you would just commonly see on the streets back home. We also have enhanced abilities like sight, smell and hearing. I know that Natsu has a wood fire like scent, Lucy has a honey type scent and Gray has a minty type scent," I smile softly at him, which he returns, "Bambi here is my partner, she is also an exceed and she too is truly a cat, she is also just using her transformation magic. Same as Happy, she specialises in her aera magic which allows her to fly me up in the sky." I show my guildmark, and so does Gray, Natsu, Bambi, Lucy and Happy. "These are our guildmarks, it is what represents us a Fairy Tail mages, it's a sign of family, our bond is thicker than blood. 

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Midnight POV

"Thank you for that explanation, it clears up a lot of information before," The 6 of them sit down. "Ok, class, now it's time for you to pick your hero names, it needs to be heroic, strong, loveable for the civilians. I hand out whiteboards and markers. "Yes Tsuyu-san" She stands up, "I will be the rainy season hero, Froppy!" "Ahhh yes, I love it, cute and adorable!" "Yes Ashido-san" She stands up, "Alien Queen!" "No, no, no, like that like that horrible monster with acidic blood, I don't think so," She sits back down sulking, "Yes Aoyama-kun," "I can not stop twinkling!" "Hmmm, How about you change it to can't stop twinkling for a shorter snappier name?" "Ahh oui, bon Madam" He sits back down content with his name, "Yes Dragneel-san," She nervously stands up to the front of the room. "Um, well, this is what people called me back home. Thunderfang, I could be the lightning dragon hero," She says shyly, I see Fullbuster-kun give thumbs up and a grin. "Ahhh, Yes! A beautiful name for a beautiful girl with beautiful magic," She blushes at the compliment, "Thank you miss." And she now confidently walking back to her seat. "Yes, Dragneel-kun," "The fire dragon hero, Salamander, that's what people called me back home too." "Loverly, I like it." "Fullbuster-kun?" "Uh, yes, I don't have anything too special about my name, the ice hero, Silver, it's paying homage to my father who passed his ice devil slayer magic to me." "Meaningful, a bond between father and son, I approve!" he let out a sigh and went back to sit down, "Yes, Heartfilia-san," "The celestial hero, Celestia." "Cute! It's a yes from me!" She skips over to her seat and sits down. "Well, that's all for class, I will see you next time. Goodbye!"

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