There he is (2.0)

69 6 16

I'm honestly not entirely satisfied with this one. I don't know what it is, so if you do, I'd really love to know.

Here is Cancer:

Maybe his eyebrows are too thick

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Maybe his eyebrows are too thick. Or his nose looks like a dick? (Oh shit, I hope not)

I swear there's something wrong.

Anyways, I'm not done with Leo, yet. I'll be done by this week, I hope. Not making any promises. (Though I actually love how she's turning out)

Edit #1: So I read your comments and I'd like to share some things that I learned about the art making process before show him. If you don't care, I guess you can scroll.

1) Don't post art that you are not 100% finished with. Looking back at his nose and eyes makes me shudder.

2) Use references. They save your sanity.

3) Don't use a reference that doesn't really look like your character. That will kinda screw you too.

4) Don't be afraid of advice.

5) The eye drop tool is the best thing in the whole wide world.

With out further adieu, here is is (though I will admit that I'm not entirely pleased with him still. I guess I just gave up at this point)

Here is a funny lil bonus when I was adjusting his hairline

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Here is a funny lil bonus when I was adjusting his hairline.

Here is a funny lil bonus when I was adjusting his hairline

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