Portrait Tutorial: Skin (Parte Uno)

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So now we got all our lovely colors, let's make a lovely person.

As you can see in the title, there will be another part where we discuss the skin.

Remember what I said earlier about layers? F this we will use a clipping mask because it keeps us from drawing outside the lines.

So first you create a layer about the filled in layer. And then you push this button.

A little arrow will appear on the layer, that's how you know it's clipped

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A little arrow will appear on the layer, that's how you know it's clipped.

Now, before we begin shadows, let talk about my drawing technique I use on this thing.

I use three brushes: felt tip pen soft, airbrush, and the hairbrush. Yes, you heard me. Hairbrush. But not the kind you think.

Now the setting to the left of the hairbrush are important

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Now the setting to the left of the hairbrush are important. For some reason the creators were like, "Hey, do you know what would be fun and totally not annoy artists? Jitter hue!" Seriously so annoying. Change those to zero and then you got the perfect brush. (imo)

Okay, let's get onto the drawing now. Eye-drop the mid-dark skin color onto the hairbrush and follow the reference. Basically, if it looks dark, make it dark. It will look a little something like this:

 It will look a little something like this:

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If you're new to portraiture, break it up. Don't let the face intimidate you. You're literally just painting blobs. It's fun, so loosen up a little. A good way to break it up would be to start with the forehead and make your way down. I hope this helps in any way possible.

Okay, blending time. How does she blend? I use the smudge tool right below the eraser tool. You can see the tool bar to the left in the picture above. Set the smudge brush to the hair brush and lower the opacity to 80-70% (it depends on how much power you want it to have. you can make it higher or lower if you please). It takes a bit of practice, but oh my is it so smooth once you get the hang of it.

 It takes a bit of practice, but oh my is it so smooth once you get the hang of it

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It's the best (for me). Of course, this is just my personal technique. If you have a more favorable technique, use that. Hell, I used to only use the airbrush until I found this magical technique. (As seen in Aries and former Gemini, i think).

Now make another layer and clip it onto the skin. Put it over the mid-dark. (I really wish I took photos of this). Eye-drop the light tone and paint in those areas. Blend them and it should look something like this:

My advice here would be not to go overboard with this

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My advice here would be not to go overboard with this. You don't want to cover up the base color. That's important, so don't hide it.

Sorry if this was similar to the how to draw an owl joke.

How to draw an owl:
Step one: draw a circle on top of a triangle
Step two: draw the rest of the owl

But yeah. Just take it one facial feature at a time. Maybe top to bottom. Maybe start at the cheekbones and go to the chin, then the eyes, the forehead, nose, and all those lovely things in between. Just start at whatever captures your attention first. (Idk im rambling at this point)

To conclude, I will state that I will post a part with a video of the creation of this portrait so you really understand how the technique works.

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