A ramble for you (and some more Bob Ross)

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I really hate the tree in the foreground of this one, but whatever

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I really hate the tree in the foreground of this one, but whatever. It's there.

I'm freaking out rn. About writing. I thought doing the character portraits would help me get back onto it, but if anything turning back makes me freak out even more.

First things first, I don't even know if the edit is better than the original. I'm afraid people might be even more confused. I don't even know if I'm a good writer to begin with. Should I ditch it? I really don't want to, but I'm shaking.

Especially now with university coming up, I may barely have any time to write.

Not only that, but some of you may know (or have figured out) that my mental health is not superior. I try to write my feelings out, but lately, it hasn't really been working. I don't think it's writer's block. It's more self doubt, I guess.

I'm just scared. I put so much work into my stories. I don't want them to be shit. Idk. I'll probably try some meditation tonight, but *sigh* I'm sorry you guys had to hear that. I want to be a wonderful person online. Not force my problems on anyone. I just get so desperate to release myself. Doing it in subtle ways doesn't really work most of the time.

I hope you guys don't hate me or aren't too disappointed with anything I do here.

I'll try to learn to control my emotions a little more in the future, but I can't make any promises. They're so wild.

But thanks for being here. Thanks for looking at my art. Thanks for reading this whatever it is.

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