0.6: The Lunch

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Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Great White

Henley's P.O.V

"Please don't go."

I stop getting dressed and turn to Sav, who looks about to be on the verge of tears. "Why not? I'll only be gone for a few hours." I turn back towards the bed where I had my clothes laid out. I finally put on my shirt that I've had for years now. I can't remember where I got it. "Besides," I say, turning back around. "It's only Stevie."

"But he'll probably show up," Sav says, the whine in his voice becoming more and more prominent.

I laugh, furrowing my eyebrows. "Well I hope Steven shows up. Otherwise I'll be having lunch alone."

He sighs, rubbing his face with his hands as if he's trying to figure out a complicated bass line, but just can't get it right. "I meant Duff."

My heart drops at the mention of his name. The memories of last night pour back through my head. I'm so glad I got to yell at him, but the way he looked so helpless almost didn't make it worth it. I reach up and finger the key necklace. Why didn't I give it back?

"He won't show," I answer, grabbing my wallet off of the bed. I stick it in the back of my jeans pocket, feeling ready to go.

"How do you know?"

"I know Duff. I yelled at him pretty good last night. He's probably feeling ashamed and doesn't want to see me again." I look in the mirror one last time. I haven't changed at all since Seattle. I still have the same style. The only difference is that I have on eyeliner and my hair is drastically longer. I prefer my long hair.

I turn to Sav, and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes as lovingly as I can. Sav wraps his arms around my waist, a smile slowly growing on his lips. "Even if he does show up, I'll ignore him. I want to see Steven. Not him. You trust me, right?"

Sav nods, leaning his head down. He kisses me hard and blush rises to my cheeks. He only kisses me like this when he's in the mood. He tries to slip his tongue into my mouth, but I reject him. I pull away with a smile on my face. I know what he's trying to do. He can't fool me as easily as he might think. He can't seduce me into not going. Nice try, though, me amore.

"You knew what I was doing?" His statement is a full on question.

I giggle and nod my head. "We can do that when I get back, my love. But, I need to go meet Steven."

"Where are you guys meeting again?"

"This cute little coffee shop he found," I respond, grabbing the keys to my car off of the dresser. "Sadly, it's too far for me to walk. Especially with my ankle."

Sav grins. "You were the one that wanted to climb that tree while we were in Hawaii."

I laugh. "I didn't think I'd fall out and break my ankle!"

Sav walks with me to the door. "That's exactly what I told you, you were gonna do."

I blush, burying my face into his neck. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. He kisses the top of my head and rests his chin on the top of my head. It's moments like these that I truly cherish. It's moments like these that keep me going throughout the entire day. Sav makes me feel so safe. He's sweeter than I could ever imagine. He's funny too. We've been together for two years now, and every day is like falling in love all over again. He never gets sick of me like I thought he would. He's my home.

"I love you," I mumble into his shirt.

Sav laughs the very slightest. "I love you so much."

I reluctantly break away from our hug. "I gotta get going."

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