2.5: Missing Guitarist

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Beast Of Burden by The Rolling Stones

Duff's P.O.V

"Open the fucking door, man!" Henley's manager yells from the hallway.

I laugh, hugging Henley closer to me. "Is he always this angry?"

Henley sighs, leaning more into me. She's still really tired. I can tell. She refuses to go back to sleep because she's determined to play the show tonight. "He's not angry, just stressed. He's probably wondering where I am since we need to do soundcheck."

She starts to get up, but I grab her wrist before she can fully get off the bed. "Are you sure you can do this, Hennie? I mean, you're still exhausted and your face needs time to heal."

Henley nods her head. "I see what you mean, but it's not like I have anyone to cover for me. No one knows how to play our songs and-."

"There's another guitarist in the group. Jack could easily cover for you. It is possible to only have one guitarist in a band," I say. I really don't want her going out there tonight. What if she really starts hurting and she can't leave the stage?

She sighs, pulling her wrist from my grip. "I'll put some makeup over the damage. It's worked before."

I frown at her tone. She doesn't sound happy at all. She sounds devoid of all emotion. I hate it. I miss seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, watching her bounce around because she's just in a great mood.


"Duff, I understand you're worried about me, but please let me do this. The past month the only thing that's been making me feel alive is getting out on that stage and performing. It makes me feel better. I'm begging you, just let me do this." I open my mouth to respond, but there's a loud banging on the door again. Henley sighs, walking towards the bathroom. "Tell him I'll be ready in fifteen minutes."

I nod, not wanting to agitate her even further. I think she's stressed enough as it is. She doesn't need me nagging her about not performing tonight. How could I not notice something was wrong?

I walk to the door, pulling it open to reveal a very angry looking, blonde British man. He scowls at me, trying to push his way through into the room. Another blonde guy with shoulder length hair grabs his elbow, pulling him back.

"Sorry, man," The other blonde says. He's definitely American. "We just need Henley. Soundcheck is in thirty."

I smile at him, feeling awkward. "Uh, yeah. She said she'd be out in fifteen."

The other blonde holds out his hand with a grin on his face. "I'm Jasper, Brooks' brother."

I shake his hand. "Duff McKagan, bassist for Guns."

Jasper laughs, keeping his hold on the manager. "Yeah, I know. I'm a big fan, dude. This is the Angel's band manager, Damon. Ignore his stupid temper."

"I'm going to beat you to a pulp one day!" Damon yells at Jasper.

Jasper only laughs, shaking his head. "Whatever." He turns back to me. "Tell Henley to go down to the stadium when she's ready."

I nod, watching the odd pair walk away. Jasper is really laid back, whereas Damon seems to be more uptight than Veronica. I bet he'd be a lot happier if he got laid.

I go back into the hotel room, shutting it behind me. I walk towards the bathroom, but stop dead in my tracks as I hear sobs coming from the room. My heart breaks as I peek into the room to see Henley crying in front of the mirror.

I walk in, trying not to startle her. "Henley?"

Before I can register what's happening, Henley runs into my arms. Her small arms wrap around my waist as she cries into my chest. She's soaking my shirt with her tears, but I really couldn't care less.

"I'm sorry," She says between sobs.

"For what?" I ask gently, rubbing her back with one hand and holding her head to my chest with the other.

She tries to stop crying, but fails. "F-For m-making you t-take care of m-me. I got m-myself into t-that sit-situation. I shouldn-n't be c-crying about it." She hiccups softly. "I sh-shouldn't be get-getting you to com-comfort me. I pu-pushed you aw-away."

I pull away, my hands cupping her cheeks. "Don't say that. I was being a huge dick. I deserved it. I don't think things through and I get angry. You don't deserve to be hurt like you are right now. I promise you that as soon as I get my hands on Sixx, I'm going to kill him."

"N-No, don't," She says. "He didn't me-mean it. He just la-lashed out."

I sigh. "After what he was doing to you, you're still going to protect him?"

"I know the real Nikki. I-If he'll get clean, he won't be like that anymore," Henley responds. Slowly she stops crying, which makes me happy.

I nod, smiling down at her. "You ruined your makeup."

She laughs, turning to look at herself in the mirror. "I'm a mess, aren't I?"

"A gorgeous mess," I flirt, winking at her in the mirror.

She giggles, slapping my arm. "Shut up, McKagan."

"I'm just stating the cold hard facts, my dear," I laugh, holing my hands up in surrender.

I watch quietly as she reapplies what I'm guessing is foundation to her pretty face. She doesn't need makeup, but I guess she has to wear it to cover up her wounds. People are bound to notice her split lip and question why her cheek is swollen. Thank God for sunglasses because there is no way she could hide that shiner.

"Thank you."

Her soft voice knocks me out of my thoughts, causing me to blush. I guess I was just staring at her in the mirror.

"For what?"

She continues to apply her makeup as she answers. "Being here for me. You wanna know something crazy?" I nod. I figure I don't need to say anything because she'll tell me anyways. "After Nikki had. . ." She trails off. I nod again, letting her know that I know what she means. "I was just thinking over and over that I needed you. I wanted you to comfort me and help me. Low and behold, when I was out in that hallway waiting for Tommy, you showed up and made me feel even a little bit better." Henley sighs, leaning on the sink. "I hope you know that I forgive you. Completely. I'm not mad at you anymore." She laughs quietly. "You've proved to me that you changed."

I smile, pulling her against me, her back against my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. "So, does that mean that we're dating?"

Henley giggles. "Not yet." She leans back against me, letting me hold her. After a few seconds, she speaks up again. "I missed you so much."

My heart warms immediately at her words. I never thought she'd say that. I tight my arms, pressing my face into the crook of her neck. "I missed you too. I missed you so fucking much."

I hear her let out a small laugh. "Alright." She untangles herself from me, walking out of the bathroom. I follow her like a loyal puppy. "Let's get down to the stadium, shall we?" She grabs a pair of sunglasses that I had laying around and puts them on. She sighs. "I just want tonight over with."

"I won't let him near you," I say without thinking.

She nods. "I know you won't. But, what're you gonna do when you're on stage?"

"I'll make sure that Tommy keeps an eye on you. Or Mick."

"I didn't know that you were so close with them," She says. I can tell that she wants to smirk, but it hurts her too much right now.

I shrug. "We all care about you. And they're not that bad of guys."

She gives me the tiniest smile. I know she appreciates me getting along with her best friends. "C'mon, Casanova," Henley says walking to the hotel room door. "It's time for us to put on a kick ass show."

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