0.9: Confession

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Superstar by Marina

Henley's P.O.V

I take a look out the plane window. There's a queasy feeling in my stomach as I feel this huge metal deathtrap descend. For just a split second we're in the beautiful, fluffy, white clouds.

I decided to take a surprise trip to Sheffield. I miss Sav too much.

And the guilt is eating me up from the inside out.

I still have no idea if I'm going to tell him or not. I mean, the kiss meant nothing to me. Maybe to Duff, but not to me. I'm not going to let him ruin this beautiful relationship Sav and I have created. I don't want Sav to get mad at me.

I jump a little bit as the plane lands, causing a jolt. Once we're told we can leave, I nearly sprint out of the airport with the small suitcase I packed in my hands. I flag down a taxi, and told him exactly where to go. I know that Sav keeps an apartment here so that he doesn't have to stay with his parents when he comes here to write music.

I walk up a small flight of stairs and reach the apartment. I suck in a deep breath, and knock on the door. I can hear voices inside. Oh God. What if he's cheating on me? Then I hear a girl's giggle. He's definitely cheating on me. I can't get mad though. I technically cheated.

The door opens to reveal a shirtless Rick Savage. He doesn't look panicked though. His eyes grow wide, and so does his smile.

"Henley!" He yells, wrapping his arms around me.

I smile, looking over his shoulder. I let out a small sigh of relief. Joe, Rick, Phil, Steve, and Steve's girlfriend Lorelei are over. I just heard Lorelei. Nothing like I thought. I was stupid to think that Sav would cheat on me.

Without warning, Sav picks me up bridal style. He carries me over to the couch and settles me down onto his lap. He's more touchy than usual. I guess he really missed me.

I laugh as he nuzzles his face into my neck. "You're touchy today."

"I missed you!" Sav has a huge grin on his face.

My heart immediately melts at the sight of his sweet smile. He's such a good boyfriend. I can't believe he's stuck around with me for as long as he has. He's such a sweetheart and acts like a kid at times. Just like Steven does. Although, Stevie acts like a child 100% of the time.

I hook my finger underneath his chin and lift his head up. He looks into my eyes with a dreamy look in his eyes. I lean down and kiss him hard on the lips. I missed the feeling of his soft lips on mine. Before we can get too heated, however, a voice stops us.

"Alright you two," Joe's voice rings out. We immediately pull away from each other. Joe has a smug look on his face, along with a smirk. "I'd rather not watch you two fuck."

I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Sav only chuckles and squeezes my waist tighter.

"So," Steve speaks up. "What brings you here? Sav said you couldn't join us because you needed to finish writing."

I can't tell them that guilt has been eating away at me for the past week. I can't tell them that Duff kissed me. Now definitely isn't the time. "There were too many distractions."

"Tommy wouldn't leave you alone?" Sav asks.

I guess you could say that. He did come over a lot. I nod my head. "Yep! He came over a lot and wouldn't leave me alone."

Joe laughs. "It seems like that boy is scared of you."

I shrug, smiling. "I think they're all scared of me at times. Except Mick. They knew me back before the band even formed, and I wasn't the sweetheart sitting before you. I could be a huge bitch."

"What changed?"

Duff. Duff changed me. He made me nicer.

"I just fell into a group of better people," I answer, grinning.

"Let's go get something to eat!" Phil says suddenly.

I just laugh and stood up. As we were all about to leave, however, Steve called me back.

Sav doesn't think anything of it, however. He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "Steve knows where we're going."

Before I can respond, he caught up with Joe. Joe throws an arm around the bassist with a laugh. I smile at them, then turn back to Steve. He looks worried, which is starting to make me worried. Why is he looking at me like that?

"Henley," He says soberly.

I laugh nervously. "Steve."

"What did you do?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean what did I do? I haven't done anything."

Steve just smiles sadly. "We both know that isn't true. Your guilt is written all over your face."

I sigh, my eyes immediately dropping to the floor. Should I tell him? Will he just go tell Sav which would cause Sav to be very angry with me? I have to tell someone, though. This secret is killing me.

"Duff came over about a week or so ago. I didn't know that he was there. I just got back from the studio and he was standing outside of Sav and I's apartment. He said he had something to tell me, and I said it was okay. One thing led to another and we were in a huge argument. Somehow, he thought it was okay to kiss me. I pushed him away as quickly as I could and punched him in the nose. Then Tommy and Nikki got hold of him and beat him pretty bad. I cleaned his wounds and stuff." It all came out in one breath. I felt an immediate relief. A weight has been lifted from my chest. I expect Steve to be mad at me or something, but instead he just laughs. My eyes widen. "What?"

"Why do you feel so guilty? You couldn't help it that Duff kissed you. You did the right thing and pushed him away. Henley, you are not the bad guy here. If you tell Sav I can guarantee that he won't be mad at you. Duff on the other hand will probably get the shit beaten out of him again." Steve smiles, walking over to me. "You really didn't do anything wrong. I do think you should tell Sav, though."

I smile at the blonde in front of me. "I will. Thanks, Steve. I needed that."

Steve grins, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "C'mon Mrs. Savage. Let's go meet up with your husband, shall we?"

I laugh and wrap an arm around his waist. "Let's go, Mr. Clarke."

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