1 - Scolding

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    "Do you care to explain to me what the hell you thought you were doing?" Shigaraki asked. I kept my head down, waiting for the inevitable tongue lashing. "Nothing to say for yourself, eh? Muscular was one of our own, and it's your fault that he got caught."

    I could feel everyone in the dimly lit room looking at me. "There was no need for him to go after a helpless kid that wasn't even on the list," I replied.

    "No need?" He scoffed. "If you ask me, what Muscular was doing perfectly fit the job profile. You, on the other hand, had to go and play the role of a hero. The child didn't even support heroes before, but now look what you've done."

    "Kota was against the idea of quirks as a whole," I pointed out. "That means he supported neither heroes nor villains." Kurogiri tried to intervene, but we both ignored him. "And if he didn't support heroes, there was even less reason for Muscular to go after him! His job, as you put it, was to pound the teachers and students on the list."

    Shigaraki paused, unable to think of an immediate reply. I could tell he agreed with me, at least to some extent. Not that he would ever admit it. 

    "Get that hero side of yours in check," he snarled, "before you get us all caught or killed." And with that, he left. Not that there were many places to go in the hideout, but he just had a need for dramatics.

    "I didn't even hit him that hard," I grumbled. "He should have been able to escape before the pros got to him."

    "Not that hard?" Big Sis Magne asked. "I didn't actually see the fight so I can't testify, but he seemed to be knocked out like a light."

    "Not my fault that his ass was so weak. If I could do him in he didn't stand a chance against the teachers." I glanced at Kacchan, still unconscious in the corner. "Kurogiri, send me back before this one wakes up. NOW, Kurogiri."

    "But wouldn't it be best if you were to stay back and help convince him to join us?"

    "If you guys think you stand a chance in hell of convincing him to join you are dead wrong. I've already told you that this mission was pointless. As much as he doesn't always act like one, he is still blinded by the heroes. I'm not blowing my cover for this. Try again sometime when his eyes have been opened to the truth."

    I glared at him and he sighed, finally bending to my will and opening a portal that would lead me back to my hospital room. I waltzed through and it closed behind me.

3rd pers. P.O.V.

    "Why does he have to be such a piece of work! He's so cool." Twice's two sides said.

    "Got to admit though he's pretty good. I never would have guessed that he was our spy," Spinner admitted.

    "He's so hot~!" Toga squealed. "I want to dice him up into tiny little pieces!"

"Shut it," Dabi ordered. "No one needs your useless commentary." 

Toga proceeded to play with the sharp edge of her knife. "I wonder what his blood tastes like~."

"Master, why did you chose him of all people?" Shigaraki asked, having just returned to the room and speaking through the intercom. 

"You already know the answer to that yourself," a voice rasped. "He is strong-willed with lofty goals and has enough hatred in his heart to take him there. In some ways, he is much like you, Tomura." 

"Enough," Kurogiri commanded. "Katsuki is waking up."

"Deku..." Shigaraki growled one final time.

Word count: 618

Author's note

Hello! First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone that reads this. There is a tone of villain Deku fanfics out there and I am honoured that you took the time to read mine. The next chapters will be going into the past to explain how Deku joined up with the league, and hopefully, there will be some more action. Sorry if this was a bit boring! If you don't feel like reading the 'past', you can skip ahead to the chapter titled 'return to the present' which will be out eventually. Always feel free to leave constructive criticism! If you like the story, please vote and maybe share it! See you next chapter!

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