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The bicycle you used to travel with daily was indeed a stolen one, but hey, it's the apocalypse. It's not like anyone's going to send you to jail or something, and besides, it was being put to good use.

You preferred using a bike over a car anyways, because one, cars require gas, and having to stop constantly to go to gas stations to refill the tank can be dangerous and overall annoying. Plus, you'd have to keep up with the transmission and check the oil and make sure to have spare tires. It's just too much of a hassle, especially considering the limited amount of resources right now.

Not only that, but cars are incredibly loud in comparison to the painfully silent atmosphere. Which would've attracted a lot of unwanted attention.

Sure, riding a bike can leave you more exposed to the walkers in comparison to vehicles, but they moved slow enough to where you didn't have to worry about them ever catching up to you.

Furthermore, you were smart enough to think ahead and cover your body with two layers of protective armor just in case any of them tried to claw at you or anything. On top of that, biking is a great way to exercise with minimal effort! Which helps you get in shape and better face your opponents as a result.

You turned your bike to the left and pedaled down the empty street. Quite a bit of litter scattered the road, and many cars were left abandoned and parked on the sides. Dust had collected on the nearby vehicles, and even more dirt was caked onto the roads now that the daily street sweepers had stopped doing their jobs.

You inhaled deeply as the wind nipped at your cheeks. The February breeze was refreshing albeit chilly. The changing seasons were a grim reminder of just how much time has passed since the virus began,

It's been so long since I've spoken with another living human being. Who knew we'd be starting off the new decade with a real life zombie apocalypse?

You thought to yourself as you slowed your pace to allow your pastel pink bike to glide over the speed bump. The basket clinking each time after both wheels made it over the miniature hill,

'35 mph in School Zone'

Was what the neon yellow sign read as you zoomed passed,

"A school? Damn..."

You muttered, and just as the sign said. You soon passed by a gated school and you watched in horror at the scene taking place before you.

Upon seeing you, the zombie children lingering near the gates began moaning and groaning even louder. They stuck their small pale, rotted thin arms through the holes of the gates in an attempt to try and grab ahold of you.

It was heartbreaking, to see young girls and boys, no older than the age of six, already have their futures ripped away from them.

Their clothes were stained with dried blood, and a group of children on the basketball court devoured the innards of their previous coach.

The sound of their ravenous munching and crunching caused your face to scrunch up in disgust and pity,

"Seeing this...is enough to make me go vegetarian-"

You mumbled, before swallowing the nervous lump in your throat and peddling faster,

If only I'd had a greenhouse, and enough resources to farm my own crops, but alas, life doesn't give you anything for free.

The sooner you escaped that dreadfully awful atmosphere, the sooner you'd be able to forget about it and spare your mind of the mental trauma of having witnessed it. The fact that you didn't become nauseous this time around, is all too telling of how accustomed you've become to blatant cannibalism.

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