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"What?! (Y/n)'s been kidnapped?! Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything?!"

Oikawa exclaimed, as Kiyoko approached the door steadily,

"You have to stay here--"

"Hell no! I'm going with the search party. I don't care what you have to say."

He interjected, furrowing his brows and Kiyoko's lips formed a line,


"I'm going whether you like it or not. You're worried because I carry the Cuscuta virus, and yet the search party's venturing out into a zombie infested city. So, does it really even matter?"

He inquired, putting on his coat as he grabbed the pistol sitting on the countertop. He checked the ammo, counting how many bullets he had before tucking the weapon away in it's holster.

He did have a point after all, so Kiyoko had no choice but to agree. In a hushed tone, she muttered,

"Alright then, you can go."


"Why did you guys take me?!"

You questioned harshly, glaring at the dark haired male in front of you, but his expression still remained stoic as ever,

"You see, (Y/n)."

Ushijima started, standing up from his seated position and you couldn't help but be slightly intimidated,

Holy hell this dude is tall--

You thought, taking a few steps back instinctively,

"Kiyoko's not the only person trying to create a vaccine. I'm in the process of developing one myself, and I can't allow Kiyoko to find it before I do. It's that simple."

He explained nonchalantly, and your brows furrowed,

"--And once we develop the vaccine, we'll charge people fifty geonds to receive their vaccinations. It's a win-win situation."

You clenched a fist as anger pulsated throughout your body. Is that all people can think about?! Money?! Even during a time like this?!

"You guys are horrible people!"

You shouted, and a surprised, yet confused expression washed over his features,

"I'm not sure I follow? We're trying to help restore humanity are we not? Why would we be horrible people?"

He returned, awaiting your explanation, and you gave him a piece of your mind right then and there,

"People are suffering! Their friends and family are dying in front of their eyes as we speak, and you're only concerned with how you're gonna profit off of that?! As Terushima stated before, a lot of people don't even know that geonds exist! So, how in the hell would they even gather enough money in time to buy a vaccine?!"

You pointed out, clearly frustrated with not only him, but everything. The fact that there's still a means of currency even in an entire apocalypse. Being kidnapped and taken away to a gang filled with suspicious people, and having people rely on you to be the quote, 'cure' that'll save humanity.

Of course you wanted to help people, that was your main reason for even doing all this in the first place, but even so. There were times you felt overwhelmed by this huge responsibility.

You cursed at yourself when you felt tears beginning to prick the corners of your eyes and you swerved on your heel curtly. Marching towards the exit, and even Ushijima was stunned by your words,

Inclise [Haikyuu! Zombie Apocalypse AU] (Reader-Insert!) (Haikyuu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now