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He muttered shakily and his heart sunk to his stomach as he observed the walker in front of him,

T-There's no way...

He couldn't move nor speak, and his grip on his weapon loosened,

There's no way she could've turned!

--But, alas, there she was,

Her huge hazel eyes, that I always found myself getting lost in...

Were now white, and foggy, and reflected, not even an ounce, of humanity,


I'm so sorry...


"They what?!"

Daichi halted his footsteps, and the group came to a stop. Daichi listened intently to the radio, nodding every so often, before he sighed and turned it off,

"Daichi? What's wrong?"

You inquired worriedly, and he placed two hands on your shoulders. Interlocking his dark hues with yours,

"Listen, Kageyama's group is still inside the gang's building. So, I have to go back and--"

Your expression fell and you immediately interjected,

"But, what if those zombies are still!--"

Ushijima stepped forward, and interrupted you before you could finish,

"Don't worry, (Y/n). We'll go with him to make sure he comes back safely."

The tall dark haired male spoke, gesturing to Tendou and you pursed your lips. You were still a bit skeptical about the three of them going back, but you knew Kageyama's group needed help,

"I have to go, but I promise I'll be fine. Kuroo's group is just down this path."

He pointed, and you wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. He hugged back, and you both stayed that way for a moment before he pulled away and jogged down the dirt walkway. Eventually disappearing into the trees,

Please be careful, guys...

You followed the dirt path, just as Daichi had instructed, but you raised a brow in confusion when you heard two voices shouting at each other,

Is that Kuroo and Oikawa I hear?!

What the hell?! Are they arguing?!

"Oikawa get out of the way!"

Kuroo yelled, and your suspicions were proven correct. When you approached the group, Oikawa's visage lit up upon spotting you.

Kuroo lowered his weapon, but, clearly, he was frustrated.

Standing in front of you was Oikawa, and behind him was a--

He's protecting a zombie?!

Why would he--

Your eyes widened in realization and your gaze flickered towards the groaning zombie,

Is that...


"(Y/n)! Thank god you're here!"

Oikawa exclaimed, and he waved you over, ushering for you to get closer,

Inclise [Haikyuu! Zombie Apocalypse AU] (Reader-Insert!) (Haikyuu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now