22.5 !Extra/Special Chapter!

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(A/N: Here are a few scenes that I couldn't fit into the story/previous chapters for pacing reasons. Hope you enjoy! <3.)

"So, are we going to go get the girl now?"

Kaname questioned, as the van slowed over a speed bump, and Terushima turned towards him with a forced fake grin,

"No, we're going to Seaworld. Of course we're getting the girl right now--"

The blond sarcastically replied, and Ushijima side-eyed Terushima with furrowed brows. Not appreciating his blatant rudeness, and Tendou snickered,

"You know, I heard the female gangs built a wall over their beach. That kind of reminds me of that one zombie movie where they built an entire wall around Israel--"

Terushima rolled his eyes, feeling himself get more and more annoyed as Tendou continued to talk about irrelevant zombie films,

"Say, Terushima!-"

The redhead peeked over Terushima's chair and poked his cheek,

"Have you ever played Black Ops? You see, I was playing tons of zombie games before all this, so I'm pretty much a veteran--"

Terushima clenched his fists as his teeth gritted in irritation. A tick mark appearing on his forehead,

For the love of god, can't this idiot be quiet for FIVE MINUTES?!

"Speaking of zombie games, that reminds me!--"

Terushima finally snapped, and opened the compartment in front of him. His sudden actions slightly startling his peers, and Tendou's eyes widened when the blond pulled out the duct tape with a gloved hand,

"Wait, you were serious about the duct tape?!"

Tendou exclaimed, as Terushima unclicked his seatbelt and pounced on Tendou like some pissed off zoo animal. The van swerved slightly, causing Kaname to bump his forehead against the window, and Ushijima pulled over,

"What the--"

The dark haired male muttered as he watched his colleagues engage in a light tussle,

"Wait! Terushima! I promise I'll be quiet just!-- Oomf!-"

Tendou was silenced when Terushima taped his mouth shut and the blond grinned contentedly when he was finally met with some peace and quiet. Tendou attempted to yell profanities at the mischevious blond, but to no avail. The words only came out severely muffled,

"That's better."

Terushima spoke, turning on his heel to return to his seat, but when he sat down. He was met with an irritated Ushijima,


He chirped, and Ushijima switched the gear back to drive before pulling off once more,

"I don't care what you guys do, but next time be careful. I could've crashed the car."

Terushima literally just attacked me and all you care about is the car?!

Tendou thought, and Kaname chuckled,

"Terushima, don't you think that was a bit excessive?"

The blond shook his head vigorously,

"He's been annoying me with his damn conspiracy theories and zombie fanatics for three days straight. If I hear another 'Walking Dead' reference, I'm actually gonna jump off a fucking building."


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