Chapter 52 - _Dark_Romantic Books

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"A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends."― Friedrich Nietzsche

Why should you read these books?

Because I said so.

Zara -  Zara and Thomas suffer a horrific ordeal and are left with the care of Zara's baby brother Cole.Being neighbours forever they have an undeniable connection they can't seem to shake, which makes things hard for Zara and her new boyfriend.Theo is an extremely troubled young man who falls for Zara when he wasn't supposed to, making things a lot harder for him to complete his mission.Will they escape the disaster?Will they get a happy ever after?Follow Zara on her journey!

"Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money."--Virginia Woolf

If you don't believe me read it yourself.

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