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Finally, everything is finished. We have just graduated and now our whole lives are ahead of us.

I just can't stop thinking about that. I feel a warm smile spread across my face and I feel someone bump hips with me.

I look to see that it's Michael. I roll my eyes and continue to search through numerous of chip bags.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, trying on pink round glasses.

I laugh and go up the aisle and grab a bag of peanuts. "Just that were finally out of high school."

"It's great isn't it," he takes off the glasses and sighs. "I just hope this big old world is good to me."

"It will. Don't worry."

We go up to the front counter and meet the cashier. He rings us up and then we're off.

Michael puts all the groceries away while I get into the front seat, plugging in my phone to give it some life, and look to see that I have about 100 messages. I mean not literally, but it's enough to make a person go crazy.

I look at the first name and see that Zac has called me. I touch his name and call him back.

He doesn't answer.

I sigh and turn off my phone and wait for Michael to fasten his seatbelt.

This weekend should be great. My friends and I are heading to Zac's place near the beach to just unwind and relax for a few days. Of course I didn't tell my mom that we were going to his house, but it should be all right. I told her that I was out going to Danielle's house.

The only thing that sucked about this trip we were taking was the fact that I knew how everyone else was going to unwind and it wasn't to do yoga as the sun rose or just listen to the waves crash but it was to get madly drunk. And I of course, wasn't into that. Maybe that I wasn't into it, but more like I was never given the opportunity to try it due to my strict parents,  but it was fine.

I was going to be a person to listen to the waves crash and drink coffee while watching time go by.

I finally made it to my friend Danielle's house, where everyone was to meet up. And they were all there, it was just me and Michael, late as usual.

I cut the engine and get off the car and meet and angry Zac caring a six pack of beer.

"What were you guys doing? We were supposed to leave minutes ago." He says. He puts the pack into the back of his car and slams the trunk door. But not dramatically, only because the trunk doesn't work.

One time, Zac and I were driving to a campsite where we were to meet our parents, Zac forgot to close the trunk door and everything came out. I'm talking about sleeping bags, food– everything, all placed down on the lovely freeway where all the cars were trampling over it.

I laughed at the thought and I ignored Zac's question. "So how many people are getting into my car?" I ask.

"It's going to be Maya, Michael, Paul, and Kane. The others are going in my car. Are you sure you want to drive, because I can get Jess to do it?"

"No, no I'm fine."

He nods and calls everyone over to get into the car.

I chuckle and get into my car. And then we are off.

The trip is long but totally worth it once I see how big the house is. I mean I have a beach house just as big as Zac's, but my parents would kill me if they found out that I had people over. I park my car next to Zac's which is located in the rear of the house, and we all get out.

We manage to get all the bags in our hands and we walk inside. The place is massive and beautiful. Nothing but white color and blues. The house is a high tide, that has six bed rooms. It even has its own pool, but we don't dare go into it only because Zac's parents would know if someone went into the pool.

Zac stands  in the middle of the living room puts his bags do

"OK, Danielle and I are going in to one room. Jess, Maya and Regina, if you want you guys can go into another and Paul, Kane and Michael will go to another. There are two rooms that are vacant so if you guys are uncomfortable where you are, then move in there."

And so we went to our rooms.

I grabbed all my clothes and put them into a drawer. The room was pretty big. You can tell it was Zac's sisters' room since there was Justin Bieber posters on the wall. There are two beds on each side of the wall. I guess one for Zac's middle sister, and the younger one.

Maya comes into the room.

"Hey," she says quietly.

"Hey Maya, what's up?" I say.

I didn't know much of Maya, only that she was only at Sher Oaks High for one year. She was pretty quiet about everything. Sweet Danielle brought her over to the group and everyone kind of just ignored her after that. Maya did tag along but she was so quiet, that it was awkward for her to be there.

There was one time where she even disappeared and we all freaked out wondering where she was and she ended up with some other people that we didn't know.

We were all furious at her, especially Jess. Jess pulled her by the collar and yelled in her face. I thought it was pretty uncalled for, but of course I didn't stand up for her.

"Not much." She sits down on the bed and sighs.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you think Paul would like me?"

I totally knew it, Maya had a thing for Paul! So, that is why Jess was always so rude to her.

"Oh, I don't know," I smile. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know...I just felt like him and I had some sort of connection the other day. He complimented my shirt and he won't stop looking at me."

"Maya, go for it." I say.

"Go for what?" I hear a voice say.

I look over my shoulder and see Jess holding a bag on her right arm. Maya straightens up.

"A college gave her a letter telling her that they would give her a full ride."

"A full ride?" Jess scoffs. "Get off my bed."

"I already put my clothes away." Maya says looking down.

"Speak up I can't hear you." Jess says.

"Jessica–" I start to say but she cuts me off.

"She doesn't always need you to speak for her Regina." She looks back at Maya. "So?"

"Fine." She says quietly.

Maya gets up quickly and leaves the room with all her stuff in her hands.

Jess pats the bed and sits on it. "Oh my gosh, I have so much to tell you."

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