Chapter 9

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Kai's POV

The walk to the pack house is a long one. Our house is on the border of the pack territory where the extra homes are built. The walk will probably take an hour or two, making my legs tired.

I look around at the vast forest that is to my right, and listen for sounds of scurrying creatures. I can feel the wind blowing across my face, creating a cool chill.

Continuing walking, I think about what just happened. My dad kicked me out. Why? What did I ever do to him? Why does he hate gays so much? I probably won't ever know the answer to my questions.

Running in my wolf form would be easier, but I don't even think about that option. My head is so muddled with thoughts about the situation that the thought doesn't even cross my mind.

Are gays truly that terrible? Am I truly a disgrace to my family? Am I disgusting? These thoughts run through my head, doubt about who I am plaguing me.

Did the Moon Goddess make a mistake? Are Lukas and I meant to be? Or is this just some cruel joke to ruin my life and destroy my family?

The questions are never ending, my mind running rampant. My father has now ingrained a level of self hatred into me, encouraging it. I feel disgusting, like I should hate myself.

I'm nothing more than a worthless fag, that's all I'll ever be.

I've almost arrived at the pack house, the trees thinning. The sun is starting to set, creating a beautiful ombré through the tree line. The orange colors shine beautifully, while the pinks enhance the entire view. When you get to the top of the sky, you see a slightly darker blue that is fading into night.

Arriving at the pack house is a scary experience, not knowing who is going to answer.

I knock on the door, waiting for the door to open. Why am I so nervous? I've lived in this pack my entire life until a few years ago, surely they still accept me.

I sniff, wiping my nose. My eyes are still full of tears, my thoughts bringing back emotions I want to keep hidden.

Anyone could have answered the door, a random pack member who I've never met before.

But the person to answer is the one and only, Lukas Reed.

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