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Chapter 40 |

G I N A | S U A R E Z

Ugh, life. This shit was been getting to me. Sometimes I wish I could move far away with no one knowing. I've been so stressed from work. Orlando made me a painter for his school when Savay told him I could. But since they broke up, he's been making this job twice as fucking hard.

I have to teach 4 classes everyday painting the same damn thing over for a week. That's 28 damn times! The same thing, that shit drives me nuts. I can't take it anymore, so I came up with a plan. Only Tony knows about it. Sydney dumb ass would have been told Savay on purpose by accident. Yeah, I know what I said.

I took the week off for this plan, Savay's baby shower is tomorrow and I want to make sure everything is perfecto. Savay hasn't been the best since the break-up. She's usually the fashion guru of the group but her ass talking about going to the baby shower in a jogger suit. I think the fuck not. I called her.


"What do you want? A boy or a girl?"

"Boy. Why?"

"Because I read online that if you wear the color of the gender you want a lot, that's what you'll have."

"You and your weird ass conspiracy theories."

"Ok. When you have a girl don't say nothing."

"Nah bitch, I find out I'm having a girl, everybody, packing they shit and leaving."

I laughed as I looked through racks trying to find something for both of us. "Don't get mad at us because you having a girl."

"I'm not. Y'all just go get the fuck out and y'all not eating."

I scoffed, "Bitch bye." I hung up the phone ringing up everything while hands grasped my butt.

"Goddamn." Tony bit my neck as I slapped his hand away.

"Did you find the poppers?"

"Yeah. Which one should I get?"

"The color of the baby she's having." I laughed

"Oh yeah. Did you think of games to play?"

"No. That's Sydney's job. & It's your job to get the food."

He stopped walking away. He moonwalked back then stopped in front of me. "I'm in charge of what?"

"The food."

"The devil." He laughed

"What about him?"

"A motherfucking lie. Why you now informing me like it's not tomorrow?"

"Because I thought you knew. It's only 3 in the afternoon you still have time to decided on what to buy or cook."

"I'm not cooking a motherfucking thing. I'm going to call my Aunt." He shrugged as we walked out.

When we got home we started decorating. Savay decided to have it at our house and called us at the last minute. After blowing up the last balloon. Tony wrapped the string around it letting it go. We both laid on the couch groaning from being so tired and exhausted.

"I've been on my damn feet all day," I whined

I slowly scooted my feet on his lap seeing if he would catch on. "I'm only rubbing yours if you rub mines." He commented with his eyes closed


He got up putting his feet on my lap. I slapped them down as I did the same thing.

"Ladies first."

He snatched my feet into his hand rubbing them. I laughed as He chuckled

"You talk to Orlando?"

He nodded, "We talked. He's way better than what he was these last couple of days. He started back working today."

I clapped, "Yes! That's fantastic."

"You talk to Savay?"

"Yup. Still the same feeling, I think the baby shower will change it. She's always positive when it comes to the baby."

He nodded in agreement. "I feel it in my gut. They're getting back together tomorrow."

"They better. Shit, it's been a month. They making my life miserable now."

He laughed. It became silent which got my attention. Tony never is quiet, ever. Only when the game is on or he's eating. & in those situations, he's screaming let's go or groaning how the food is so good.

"What's wrong?"


"No reason to lie. I noticed so that means I care, tell me."

"I've been thinking."

I sat up, "Good. I love thoughts."

"Seeing them having a baby and being so good with it made me get to thinking how a baby doesn't sound so bad."

I smiled, "You want to have a baby."

He nodded cheesing, "Yeah. I really think we can do it. This is a big step for us, and I'm ready to take that step and make this happen."

I hugged him, "Good. But if I don't get a ring I'm going to be overly pissed." I warned pointing my finger at him

"You're going to get that along with the world." My blushed slowly became permanent as we started talking about which zodiac sign we wanted our baby to be.

Call us nuts, but some of these motherfuckers born in certain months be retarded or just crazy. My mind warmed at having a baby with the love of my life. It made me feel better knowing he wants to have a baby with me. That this has been playing throughout his mind for a while now. & for that, I don't mind giving him that and few more other things.

"I think we'll be some great parents." Tony shrugged

"Yeah. I wonder if they would have your attitude?"

He chuckled, "My attitude? Your shit is out of control. I don't know why you think it's not."

"Woah. Your angry is way worst than mines."

He was about to say something but shook his head, "I can't even argue with you about that. But I know how to control it."

"Just like I know how to control my moaning?" I rolled my eyes questioning him.

He laughed throwing his head back, "Exactly. Just like that, no other way."

I snuggled with him laughing along as it slowly eased down. We sat in silence for a few moments and it started to make me sleepy.


I hummed in response as he rubbed my back, "Nothing. I was just making sure you was sleep."

"For what? You tryna sneak out?"

"No, I wanted to make you dinner then wake you up with kisses."

"Then why would you tell me?"

"Your nosey ass just asked." He laughed getting up.

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