Living With The In-Laws

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K A R L A     P O V

It had been a couple of months since my ordeal at Zayne's house... He has put the house up for sale we are going to be looking for another place to live in but, in the meantime, we are living with his parents... 

My poor father is going through a very horrible divorce with Katie; she wants everything, but my father had left everything to me so, she could not touch a thing... My father done it the day I was born he had to protect what he had already had and with him being at law school he learnt a few things then learnt more over the years... 

I am twenty weeks pregnant looking like I am carrying a football around under my top... Zayne just looks at me all the time smiling... When the baby moved for the first time, he would not take his hand off my stomach... He is a nightmare to sleep with too... Every time I move in bed he wakes asking if I am all right... 

He is driving me insane... I am pleased that his father asked him to go to the office, it is giving me a break... I walked into the kitchen... Crista, Zayne's mother is sitting at the island drinking coffee... She looks at me with a smile... "How are you feeling?"... She asks me... I get a tea then sit with her...

"I am fine... But Zayne is driving me insane"... I tell her... She laughs...

"It is all new to him... His father acted the same way when I was carrying Dylan... When I carried Zayne, he was more relaxed he knew what to expect... Well he thought he did... I had to laugh at him..."... She is now laughing... "Zayne decided he wanted to come three weeks early... We were spending time with his mother at the time... She had thrown one of her lavish parties so you could imagine how many people were around... I stood beside Travis talking to some well-known people... I was laughing then felt a dribble down my leg... I looked down then whoosh my waters broke... The poor guy that I was talking to got covered... Travis is panicking saying the baby is not due for another three weeks... His mother rushes over to me... Slaps Travis across the face telling him to pull himself together... I was just laughing at how this whole thing was unfolding..."... I was laughing with her... "Well, Travis picks me up carry's me up the stairs where I let out a loud scream which he places me back on my feet... Then accuses me of making him go deaf... I then scream again... His mother came to my aid... Zayne was eager to get out... I had just made it to the bed when his mother stripped me to my bra... Travis looks at me then faints I had Zayne while Travis was passed out on the floor... His mother kicked him telling him to grow some balls which woke him up... His brothers laughed at him... Zayne looked around not even crying... He was the perfect baby... But he makes up for it now"... We laughed then Zayne walks in with his father... His mother looks at me we burst out laughing... "Talk of the devil"... His mother says... She kisses Travis on the cheek... They both look at us... Zayne wraps his arms around me then places his hands on my stomach...

"How are you feeling?"... He asks me... I place my hands over his then side glance him...

"I am feeling all right"... I tell him... He kisses my neck then gets a coffee...

"I had a call about the house"... He tells me while pouring himself a coffee... I look at him...

"That is nice for you"... I say... He picks his cup up then walks back to the island places his cup down looking at me...

"Someone put an offer in... It is just a little less than the asking price"... He sips his coffee...

"So, why do I need to know"... I could not understand why he is telling me... The house is his not mine...

"I thought you would like to know... So, we could start looking for somewhere"... He places his cup down on the counter looks at his parents...

"Zayne... You are both welcome to stay here as long as it takes... It would be stressful for Karla"... His mother says... I smiled...

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