The somewhat Truth

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I walked to camp just to say goodbye as I sat near Thalia's tree I thought about Nico and his finally words and actions.

I still couldn't put two and two together....

Third person POV**

He suddenly stood up and turned toward the woods there stood Justin speaking to Hyperion.

Percy ran towards them unleashing his fury. Justin turned around and smiled crookedly and snapped his fingers, Annabeth appeared before him bound and helpless.

"Let her go!" He yelled, Justin paid him no mind.
"You know, she didn't want to betray you, I forced her to... quite easy actually when I played your life into it."

Percy's fists clenched "What now?"
I forced her to be my lover used your love for her to create everything happen today right now"

"Your friend Nico was just an lost cause.."

Annabeth suddenly went still. Her eyes averted from Percy's. she seemed to be pleading with Justin about something.

"All I meant was for you to be defeated and to leave and disown your life as a demigod." Justin continued

"I guess Nico was the final straw?" Annabeth squirmed and shook her head left and right

"Annabeth Oh Annabeth just stop I won't tell him it was you," he whispered loudly

Percy in clenched his teeth and coldly demanded what it was. He felt riptide appear in his pocket and he attacked.

Percy's sword connected with the ground Justin had been standing it and crumbled as if made of dried play dough.

Percy slashed kicked blocked meanwhile forgetting the silent presence of the Titan Hyperion.

Percy off guard fell to his knees.

Justin smiled and said "She planned this all, she threw the knife"

Annabeths gray eyes averted to Percy's and a muffled sound came from her. She held her head down and cried.

Leaving Percy in utter shock. The tears ran down his face unknowingly and the waters crashed against Poseidon's will.

Percy looked at Justin and spoke "what? You are lying right?"

Justin threw his head back and laughed. It was an endless cold sound.

Then Percy came into realization nobody believed him. If they could they would kill him on the spot.

He felt worst than the Persians when they got defeated by the Greeks.

Percy also knew that he shouldn't give up and that he should continue fighting for his family no matter what. They didn't see it now but they needed him.

Justin walked in view of Percy and smiled he held his hand and a dark flame surrounded it. Percy moved back but it was too late.

Annabeth screamed and Percy was lying on the ground not moving nor breathing.

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