Sounds and Stars

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You hadn't been able to do much since the injury, working mostly with Pearson. You either heard a lot of shit about Kieran or John and his scar. The sound of chopping dug deep into your skin. The rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the board ingraining itself into your memory.

"Thank you for helping in the kitchen, this'll add nicely to the stew." Pearson said. You nodded, Glancing over to Grimshaw before walking off when she wasn't looking.

Standing at the edge of the cliff the camp sat on, the view instilling some sort of familiarity. A tingling feeling crept down as you smiled at the mountains in the distance and the deer down by the water, drinking the rushing stream peacefully. Using your free hand you ran a hand through your hair.

Grimshaw had been giving you some of the easier chores, giving you time to heal. captivated by the view you hadn't notice her sneak up on you quite angrily.

Careful to avoid the Injury, she dragged you back in the camp, going off on how being on the edge like that is dangerous or something, you tuned her out as you met eyes with Arthur, who witnessed amongst many, you get dragged across camp to do something else. The girls collectively decided to cover for you and help with the chores you were just assigned. You watched Grimshaw move around, Arthur continuing on and meeting with Dutch.

You slipped away into the skirts of the forest, reaching the edge and getting a different yet just as beautiful sight. Leaning carefully against a tree you watched as clouds passed and the sound of horses and carriages came faintly in and out of range. The sun was beginning to set, leaving a lovely ombré. You lifted up a hand and carefully traced around the sun and mountains. Trying to get a feeling of them from such a far distance.

You considered getting up. Returning to camp where you may have to do even more chores. But where you sat gave a prettier sight and you were comfortable. The sun was slowly setting and the stars rolling in. Giving the sky their own unique freckles. You let out a long awaited breath, the air cool enough already to see a hint of your breath.

"So there you are." His voice was soft, quietly taking in consideration of you. You looked up to Arthur.

"Here I am." You responded in a similar fashion, quiet and gentle, he sat down next to you, adjusting a bit before watching the last of the sunset and the beginning of the stars.

"The camp- Well Grimshaw has been looking for you, told me to find you. I got lucky this time." You snickered, looking back out to the stars

"She's crazy, hounding me with orders every hour. I don't mind, better than just sitting there."

"Once that arm gets better maybe you can join the big dogs." He said, lightly pushing against your good one.

"It can't come any sooner and I'm tired of doing chores."

"We gotta do our share somehow." You huffed, you knew that well enough, the sun had completely passed the mountains and only a tinge of red was left, but the night sky was in full view.

"I know. I just, I'm getting tired of the same thing every day. But I can't do much so it gets repetitive." You looked over to Arthur, watching as emotions crossed his face unlike the first time you met him. His jaw clenching and unclenching while his eyes narrowed and softened. He was thinking. "It gets boring real quick."

He ran a hand over his jaw, "don't stay out here too long." It seemed he left as quickly as he had arrived. Once again you were alone and you hadn't noticed the warmth he brought until you found yourself shivering. You stood up and walked back to camp, putting on something warmer and sitting by the fire. Javier had pulled out his guitar and was gently strumming away.

With both arms healed, aiming a gun felt only nostalgic. But despite your somewhat rusty skills and new feeling in your shoulder, you were still a damn good shot with it. When Arthur offered to give you lessons, you politely declined, saying that you already knew how to shoot a gun.

He gave you a curious look before nodding, walking off towards The horses and getting onto his before riding off, probably to valentine. It was your turn to go on guard. And so you sat there for the next few hours. That is until three familiar horses came rushing in, Dutch shouting to get packing. Leaving a lot of you confused at a wounded Strauss.

Grimshaw was screaming, everyone working to get the camp packed and the horses in place to pull the wagons. Arthur showed up a few minutes before the wagons were done being packed just a few more boxes to be placed. Dutch had immediately sent Him out again, this time with Charles to go check out a spot.

And now it was the waiting game. The girls huddled around another talking, Kieran was adjusting the straps on the horses one last time to make sure it was secure. Kieran is such a sweet boy and you couldn't help but feel pity for how he's been treated. Dutch paced back and forth, Molly trying to console him, at least you thought she was but she was doing a shitty job of it regardless. He only seemed to get more agitated.

The Charles rode in. Everyone mounting onto the wagons and following him as he led the gang to the new spot. It felt like he couldn't have returned at a better time.

Seeing Arthur there, filled you with a familiar warmth. Perhaps you were just excited to see him again or... it doesn't matter. The gang, your new family, was in a new home but nothing felt different. Because they were your home, and the river would be lovely background noise.

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