Drunk confession and Hunting

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The camp was in celebration that night for the return of Jack. Which meant Beer and a lot of drunk idiots, and a lot of singing. Maybe you shouldn't have had a couple of beers but it was a night of celebration.

You leaned on the balcony overlooking the camp, quietly humming to yourself as you swung a half empty bottle in rhythm.

The night was perfect, with the drunk singing and the cool wind blowing across the land. The door creaked behind you, making you slowly look over your shoulder. It was just Arthur, who seemed slightly surprised at your slightly intoxicated state.

"Hey Cowboy." You turned back towards the camp.

"How come you ain't down there? Celebrating with the rest of them."

"I could ask you the same thing, what's got you lookin so down anyways." He grunted, passing on answering your question. "Felt that," you mumbled, offering the rest of your beer to him. He shook his head, resulting in you shrugging and finishing off the bottle.

You suddenly pushed yourself up, looking at him, "when you look at me, do you feel anything?" He gave you a look of surprise mixed with alarm.

"Well... uh.." he laughed lightly to himself, scratching at his stubble, "do I have to say?" He leaned a little towards you, making your face twist in some sort of emotion.

"Guess not. Just wondering was all. Know I do but I don't know what to call it." You sighed, stretching your arms out as you looked out across the camp. "Don't even know if I've had enough to forget this night." You placed the bottle down on the railing, turning to look at Arthur once more, "night Cowboy. I'll see you in the morning."

He was being stare-y with you, like he was stuck in a thought about you... or something.

You shut the door behind you and considered sleeping in Arthur's room tonight, it was right next to you. Although for some reason you decided not to, heading down the steps to see several members already laying down.

The singing had died down, you had thought you had heard Abigail and Jack heading to their room while you were talking with Arthur, although you seriously didn't consider that conversation long enough. Guess time was different when you're slightly drunk. Not like you would know, though. You preferred to keep sober unless something was seriously bothering you.

You sat down on the cot, taking a breath as you laid down. You'd have to think more of it in the morning. Sleep was easy, for you at least.

In the morning you were dreading having to face Arthur again. You had remembered that conversation under a vail of fog. You pinched the bridge of your nose, swinging your legs over the side of the cot. At least you didn't have that bad of headache. The sun was directly above you, which meant you had slept in a lot longer than you thought.

Standing up, you stretched out your arms, briskly walking over to where Pearson was stationed,

"Good afternoon, (Y/N)"

"You too, I sure did sleep in a lot." You watched his eyes glance behind you, then back to you. "How low are you on meat? I was thinking of hunting today."

"We could always use more meat, just you today?"

"Yeah, I could use some time outside of camp." He hummed in response, you sighed, walking away "I'll pick you up a deer... or whatever I can find."

You made your way towards Ethanol, the trusty steed stamping in place at your approach.

"Hey, (Y/N) can I have a word?" Arthur's voice said, his tone was quieter. You turned to look at him. Taking a small quiet breath, he seemed nervous but what for? It couldn't have been what you said last night could it?

"Yeah sure, what do you need?"

"Do you..." he paused, placing a hand on his head as he looked away, then to the ground between you two. "Do you remember what you said last night?"

A thousand thoughts went through your head, on one hand you could say you did. But that was such an embarrassing conversation what says it would turn out in your favor? You'd rather not risk it. You could just say that you didn't remember! Best case scenario he wouldn't push.

"Oh god I didn't say anything too embarrassing did I? I'm a bit of lightweight when it comes to drinking." You lied, maybe overplaying the emotion on your face. His face turned to slight disappointment but also a bit of relief.

"Nah it wasn't anything embarrassing, I was..." he trailed off, then shook his head, "never mind, happy hunting." He patted your shoulder, turning away mumbling to himself.

Maybe you should have just told him the truth, and now you were stuck in a stupid lie just because you didn't want to let it be known yet. "Right..." you said slowly, turning back and closing the distance between you and Ethanol.

Mounting up, you took one last look to Arthur, he was talking with Pearson now. You pulled ethanol's reigns to the left, letting her Lead you out of the camp. Why did he look so disappointed? Surely it wasn't mutual. Your heart ached, why was this such a pain in the ass.

You pushed past it, trying to clear your clouded mind to focus on hunting, that is after all what you planned on doing today. Just a deer, it wasn't that hard.

Riding some distance away from camp, over toward the Heartlands of new Hanover.

you slowly looked around, looking for any roaming deer,it was always harder to hunt here but it was usually easier to come across. You patted Ethanol's neck, coaxing her forward.

With the bow in hand you watched for any movement, heartbeat in ears twitchy fingers. The first deer looked up, staring at you alarmed before dashing off, you dug your heel into Ethanol, chasing after the deer with the arrow ready for its strained release.

The poor thing never stood a chance

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