Chapter 4

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"Jane! Why are you so protective of Anne! You've never had an issue when I've wound Anne up before!" Catherine stood up from sitting on the sofa, obviously angered.

"She's never been this upset by it, " Jane took a step closer to Catherine, slightly nervous for what was to follow.
"What exactly did you say, Cath?"

"I just may have joked about her love life..." Catherine admitted, having sat back down.

"Oh my gosh Cath," Jane moved toward Catherine and sat down next to her, knowing that Anne's love life was a delicate topic for her.

"I know, I know, I shouldn't have said that, I'll go and apologize, " Catherine went to stand, but was quickly halted by Jane's arm.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea right now, " She advised, having seen the state Anne had deteriorated to. "I, if I were you, would wait until Anne comes back downstairs, just to give her time to cool off, " Jane turned to her best friend and rested her own head upon Catherine's shoulder.

"Okay Jane, if you think it's best,"

A thought appeared in Jane's mind as Catherine spoke: if she were to date Anne, would that help prevent the pair winding each other up endlessly?

However, Jane knew that the same argument could also make things worse. Catherine was her best friend and by dating her best friend's enemy, would she lose her friendship with Cath?

Another reason she was scared to ask Anne out. Besides the fact Anne probably didn't like her in that sense anyways.

"Listen Janie," Catherine forced Jane to look at her, "Today, wasn't like you. You spent ages reading upstairs when you would normally be with us. Why?" Concerned for her friend, Catherine pulled Jane into a embrace.

"Nothing, just enjoyed a bit of peace and quite, that's all," She blatantly lied.
The usually honest Jane hated being the centre of attention and would do most things to get out of it.

"Jane, you can always talk to me, you know that, don't you?"

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