Chapter 15

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As the pair pulled away, the room filled with cheering, sending Anne bright red, hiding her face in Jane momentarily before turning to everyone again.

"Anne. Anne. Jane, why would you kiss that?!?" Catherine exclaimed, looking genuinely concerned. She got no response and sat down; expecting one.

"Anne, hun, do you want to tell them?" Jane whispered in Anne's ear, discretely, covering the action with her hair. Anne shook her head, promptly burying it in Jane's chest. "Okay, we'll wait until you are ready, " She whispered again, softly brushing Anne's hair with her palm,

Jane received smirks from the rest of the group, all thinking the obvious but Jane shut them down, for Anne's sake. "What? She's embarrassed, and I don't blame her, you gave us a dare and we did it, you asked for passionate, and we gave it to you. And now you're teasing her, well both of us. So I'm comforting her while you all stare and give us horrid looks, " She said firmly, carefully wording it so she wasn't lying.

Everyone looked at her in complete shock; no one expecting her to be so blunt.

"Anne, love, do you want to go upstairs? Where everyone else isn't?" Jane asked, emphasizing the 'isn't' so the others took warning. Anne nodded, and Jane led her up the marble staircase, up to the landing. Anne then took over and pulled Jane into her room.

Before Jane could say anything, Anne locked the door and wrapped her arms around Jane's waist and whispered.

"We already started, why not finish..." She whispered seductively, biting her bottom lip as she did so.

Jane giggled, wrapping her arms around Anne's waist and kissed her passionately.

Anne broke momentarily and smirked, before falling onto the bed and pulling Jane with her. She smirked as Jane fell on top of her, their faces inches from one another.

"Hey gorgeous, " Anne smirked, before planting a kiss back on Jane's lips.

Jane smiled seductively and pressed her lips against Anne's. As they kissed, Anne ran her fingers through Jane's soft blonde hair and Jane kept pulling Anne closer to her.

After they broke, Anne smiled at Jane.

"Well Miss Seymour, that was fun, "

"Very Miss Boleyn, very..."

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