Chapter 8

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"Okay Anne, you've given me no reason for distrust, so I believe you, " Jane replied honestly. "I just, worry about you, that's all, " As she spoke she glanced down at her cup of tea.

"Thanks, " Anne outstretched her arms, gripping on to the picture out in front of her to see what it looked like from a slight distance, "But there's no need, I'm fin-"

"Everyone needs looking after to some extent, Anne, " Jane interrupted, attempting to prove to the woman that she was important. "Even Aragon, believe it or not, " she added, giggling.

"Aragon doesn't need looking after her she needs someone to..." Anne glared at Jane before being interrupted, to prevent her from saying something she might regret.

"Do not finish that sentence." Jane pointed with her left hand sternly. Anne responded giggling to this, knowing Jane wasn't really telling her off, not even warning her, just reminding her not to speak in a negative way about Catherine.

"Okay Miss Seymour,"  As Anne replied, Jane rolled her eyes. "Talking of finishing things, I think I'm done," Anne said, proudly putting her picture high in front of her face. Watching Jane lean round, making an effort to have a look at the work, Anne brought the piece to her chest. Shaking her head, Anne spoke:

"No. No Jane, not yet."

"I thought it was finished," Jane smiled, knowing how fussy Anne was when it came to people seeing her art.

"Yes, but I want to frame it first. I'm proud of this piece," Anne answered. She was honest, she was actually proud of it, another reason she wanted to gift it to Jane.

"Gosh you're a funny thing, Anne," Jane got up and patted Anne on the head as she left to go back to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Anne bolted around, placing both hands on the back of the sofa.

"I'm just going to put my mug away love, "


 Anne's heart fluttered, before reminding herself that Jane used affectionate language with pretty much everyone. And it probably wasn't anything personal. Yet, she wished it was. 

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