Chapter 11

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As Anne sat down on the bus to the doctors, She decided to look up sleep talking and whether Jane could have meant what was said, in hope that she meant it.

After a quick google search, it became apparent to her that you can blurt out secrets in your sleep, which gave Anne some confidence. Putting her phone in her pocket, she used the rest of the bus journey to decide that either today or tomorrow, she was going to ask Jane out.

She arrived at the surgery around 20 minutes later. Not wanting to go in too early, she sat on a little bench outside waiting a further half an hour before heading inside.

After the scheduled check-up, in the doctor surgery, Anne was sent for a heart scan and a few blood tests. The doctor said she had had a case of arrhythmia and they wanted to check she had no underlying heart problems.

The rest of the scans and tests took an additional hour before the allowed Anne to return home.

"Okay Miss Boleyn, you are free to leave, we will give you a call within the next 7 days to inform you of your results." The doctor spoke, clutching his clipboard.

"Thank you," Anne muttered leaving the doctors, she wasn't going to lie, she was nervous but the doctor said it could be literally nothing too harmful and it was better to check.

Getting back on the bus, Anne sat down at the far end, placed her bag next to her and hugged her coat.

As she sat, thoughts clouded over her mind - if she did have a heart condition, what will she suddenly not be able to do? Will she have to have surgery? And, the question the bothered Anne the most, will Jane take pity on her just because of it? She came to the conclusion that to find out whether Jane really liked her, she needed to ask sooner rather than later.

Stepping off the bus after the 40-minute journey, Anne took a deep breath and braced herself for what she was going to do.

She pushed the front open to find Jane sat on the sofa, again reading. As soon as the door shut again, Jane rose to her feet.

"Hi Anne, how did it go?" Jane spoke hugging the green queen. Anne smiled before making a spilt-second decision.

"Yeah, it was fine. Umm, listen Jane, I've been thinking about something for a while now, and I think I need to tell you,"

Anne then bit her lip, instantly regretting what she just said.

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