Chapter 16

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"Jane, " Anne smiled as she laid on her back, her hands behind her head, gazing up at the light green ceiling. "What do you think the others will say? Well, I know Aragon will be a homophobic little s-"

"You don't know that," Jane interjected before Anne could cuss. "Besides, she's my best friend, and I'm out to her and she accepted it. And she wouldn't be a great best friend if she wasn't happy for me, would she now?"

"But it's me. She hates me." Anne day up, "She'll say you can't be her friend unless you break up with me, that you have to choose," Anne said, close to tears. The thought of Jane breaking up with her terrified her. She'd wanted this for so long, and now she's finally got it.

Jane noticed how upset this made Anne, and shuffled closer over to her, taking Anne's hands in her own.

"Listen, babe. If Cath forces me to choose, there are so many reasons I'd pick you. One, I love you so ridiculously much, and wouldn't push you away for the world. Two, if Cath, who's supposed to be my best friend, doesn't want us to date, and can't be happy for me, then I don't want her as a best friend. She can't pick who I fall in love with or who I choose to go out with, because that's wrong. I choose, for me. Not her. And I choose you, " Jane smiled, keeping her hand wrapped around Anne's palms.

"And I would always choose you." Anne smiled back, gratefully. "And they wondered why I had a massive crush on you and wouldn't shut up about it,"

"Oh really now?" Jane smirked, raising her eyebrows.

"Um-hm, oh. There's something I have for you, be one second, " Anne giggled, taking a box from under her bed.

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