Chapter 13

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Jane and Anne's snuggle was interrupted by Catherine walking into the lounge,

"Hi ladies, " Catherine said as she went to the kitchen not noticing the other woman breaking from the comforting position.

"Hey Cath, "

"So, Kat decided on a mass game of truth or dare, but, we use an App to make up the truth or dare's for us, " Catherine said as she entered the lounge. The other three queens also dashed down the stairs.

"This is going to be lit!" Anna exclaimed, joining the circle Anne, Cath and Jane had made.

"Can't wait!" Kat added as she followed.

"I will win!" Cathy shouted sitting with everyone. She got her phone out, and began using the app. "Catherine, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Aragon answered smirking.

"If you could murder anyone in the group who would it be?" The question read. Anne rolled her eyes as she knew the answer had been predetermined in Catherine's mind.

"Sorry Anne but you really get on my nerves, " Catherine confessed making Anne burst out in laughter.

"Anne, truth or dare?"

"I'm actually exciting - Dare, " Momentarily, she locked eyes with Jane before they both looked back at the Cathy, who laughed before reading the next one out.

"Pretend the person to your left is your partner for 5 minutes, and for double points you have to have a proper kiss,"

Both Jane and Anne giggled with laughter, they knew they were actually going out, but it was made funnier by the fact the others didn't suspect a thing.

"Okay, your go next, babe," Anne smirked, gazing into Seymour's eyes.

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