•Chapter Four•

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Yoona lays in her garden next to the rose flowerbed.

She had been laying there all afternoon hoping for the boy to come back.

She couldn't get her mind off Minjun. She never got to talk to anyone and she didn't have any friends except for Yoosun.

And she just had to see Minjun's handsome face again.

Suddenly a football dropped next to her. And that was her signal, the boy was back.

She quickly stood up and grabbed the football walking towards the fence where she had met Minjun last time.

"Hey" she says to the boy.

He smiles towards her making her heart melt from his cuteness "hi" he says back.

"You want this?" Yoona chuckles referring to the football.

"Yes please" the boy chuckles and Yoona throws the ball back over the fence.

"Oh by the way I forgot to tell you, I'm your new neighbor" Minjun says with a cute grin making Yoona blush.

Yoona was happy because that would mean she'd be seeing the boy more often.

"CUT!!" The director shouts towards me and Taehyung.

The grin immediately faltered from his face, leaving him with the plain cold expression which he always walked around with.

Why couldn't Taehyung be like Minjun?


I walk through the school doors heading to my locker.

The holiday in which I auditioned and recorded a few scenes for movie was now over. Which meant I would have to go back to school.

But of course my directors and managers are keeping it in mind that I couldn't work on the movie during school hours. Which meant I'd have to do it after, which also meant no free time.

But I'm not the only one who's still in school. Heejin also still goes to school. She goes to the school on the other side of town.

We only have one term left until both of us can graduate. And once we graduate we can work 24/7 on the movie.

I meet Seoyoung at our lockers and I tell her everything about my new job and about Taehyung and Heejin.

I sat through all my classes feeling more bored than ever. I was too excited about recording new scenes this afternoon. And I couldn't wait.

One of the directors offered picking me up today, because it was on his way and we wouldn't waste any time and we can go straight back to work.

I watch the clock slowly tick by each second whilst sitting at my desk during English my last class of the day.

Just 15 seconds left, the clock ticked even slower.

3...2...1 I counted down in my head and the bell went.

All students rushed out the door including me.

I quickly walk to my locker to collect the rest of my books. And after that I quickly head outside.

Walking out the doors of school a bit too quickly as my face collides with a chest.

"Watch where you're going babe" I hear the person chuckle with an all too well known voice. I couldn't mistake that raspy low voice for anyone elses.

"T-Taehyung?" I stutter out and look up flustered as I look at who was in fact Taehyung with a smirk on his face.

I quickly take a step back and look at the man before me. "I-I'm sorry" I say feeling awkward and embarrassed.

"Wait... what the hell are you doing at my school?" I ask as reality hits me. Taehyung doesn't go to school anymore. So why would he be here?

"Manager Nim said he couldn't pick you up and told me to do it" he replies bluntly as the smirk falters off his face and back appears his old cold expression.

A/n: short chapter today, just thought this was a good place to finish the chapter

What do you guys think of the way I'm writing the story? Because I've never seen anyone write this way before haha

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