•Chapter Eleven•

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I exit the dressing room just after changing into my clothes and I make my way out to the front of the castle where Seoyoung would be picking me up.

My phone suddenly started ringing so I took it out of my pocket and accepted the call which was from Seoyoung.

"Hey Seoyoung, you almost here?" I ask her.

Because Seoyoung has to pick me up from work because the manager made me take rides with Taehyung to work so we could 'bond'.

"I'm so so sorry y/n but I can't make it, my mum suddenly needed me at home."

"That's okay, I'll just get a ride from someone else. Don't worry" I tell her reassuringly.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm good" I chuckle.

We both bid our goodbyes before hanging up.

Guess I'll just walk home. I mean I have no one to ask. Heejin didn't come today because she didnt have to be on set anyway, so I can't ask her.

I start walking in the direction of my house. I feel a few raindrops land on my head.

Are you fricking serious? Out of all days it has to rain today? You've got to be kidding me.

I pull the hood of my jacket over my head and continue walking taking fast steps.

Suddenly a car stops next to me stopping me in my tracks.

I look up to see who it was as they role the window down. Ugh Kim fricking Taehyung. I could've guessed.

"Get in the car" he says firmly through the open window.

"It's okay, I'll just walk home". I reply and start taking more steps.

I can't get in the car with that boy. Especially not after that kissing scene we had to do. I still haven't recovered from the feeling of his lips against mine.

He stalks towards me again with his car. "Y/n, get in the car." "No" I say firmly.

"I'm not leaving till you get in" he says with more of a soft voice.

"Okay fine" I huff out and open the door for the passenger seat and get in.

"Where do you live? I'll take you home." He offers to which I give him my address and he puts it in the GPS.

"I have to pick up Jimin to take him home and it's on the way to your house, do you mind if we pick him up on the way?"

"I don't mind." I give him a small smile at how kind he is being towards me.

We drive to where we need to pick up Jimin and once we get there Taehyung sends him a text to come outside.

He walks outside together with another overly attractive boy, what the hell is it with Taehyung and his friends? They are all attractive.

Jimin walks towards my side of the car and opens the door to the passenger seat where I am sitting.

"Hey y/n, I didn't know you would be here" he giggles giving Taehyung a smirk.

"Hey Jimin" I greet him back.

He sends me a smile before turning his head towards Taehyung. "Could Jungkookie please come home with us for a sleepover?" Jimin asks with a cute pout.

Jungkookie was probably the boy standing behind him.

"Yeah sure" Taehyung replies and both the boys get in the back of the car behind me and Taehyung.

"This is Jungkook by the way" Jimin says with a grin pointing towards his friend after tapping on my shoulder so I would look.

"Hii, I'm y/n" I say to Jungkook with a smile.

"Taetaeeeeee~ could y/n come home with us for a sleepover" Jimin says with a soft voice begging his friend.

"No" Taehyung replies coldly. Why does he always have to be so cold towards me? Like what the hell did I do to him.

I mean I don't want to spend my evening with him but seeing as he seems so annoyed I might aswel. And plus it would still be fun with Jimin and Jungkook. Those boys seem nice and goofy to be around.

"Yeah Taetaeeeee~ pweaseeee" I say copying Jimins tone earning giggles from both the boys in the back of the car and an ice cold glare from Taehyung.

"Pweaseee  Taetaeeeee~" Jungkook says joining in. Awh that boy is cute though.

"Okay fine!" Taehyung huffs out and Jimin and Jungkook start cheering to annoy Taehyung even more which made me laugh.

A/n: sorry short chapter,
Sorry I wasn't able to update in a while, I've just been so exhausted and I just didn't feel like updating. Sorry.

But I'm going to try and update a lot more often xx

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