Chapt 2: kook is back to attack

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Kook: hello

Tae: ew

Kook: wow the first thing you say to me when I wake up

Tae: weirdo

Kook: Normal is overrated

Tae: Anyways so um why are you texting me?

Kook: idk I'm just bored, and spamming got boring as well

Tae: get a life

Kook: 👺👺👺

Tae: don't disturb me

Kook: I'm not disturbing you

Tae: suck my dick asshole

Kook: gladly

Tae: nah i didn't sign up for this

Kook: yes you did

Tae: bruh what did you want to say anyways

Kook: oh ok, so I like this dude in my college

Tae: ooooh kook has a cruuuuush

Kook: don't you?

Tae: of course I do!

Kook: who 😏

Tae: I'm not gonna tell you

Kook: why you gotta be like that

Tae: that's my question

Kook: I'm gonna find out who you are before you find out who I am

Tae: don't go stalker mode plz

Kook: I'm not dumb

Tae: that's a lie

Kook: I SWEAR-

Tae: don't swear

Kook: you're to cute


Kook: back to my crush thing

Tae: no one cares about your crush

Kook: fine, then what about you?

Tae: oh me well mine is nothing like you, he is sweet, he's cute, he's handsome, a polar opposite from you

Kook: that sounds a lot like me I think that's me


Kook: tae gotta be so aggressive

Tae: what's your crush like?

Kook: I thought you didn't care

Tae: say it before I change my mind

Kook: fine, mines cute, passionate and artistic

Tae: ew

Kook: I was gonna say that you sound like him but whatever

Tae: is that an insult I can't tell

Kook: its a complement 🥰🥰🥰

Tae: gross

Kook: you went from ew to gross

Tae: disgusting

Kook: I-

Tae: I have many more words to describe you wanna here?

Kook: no I'm  good

Tae: damn I had some good ones

Kook: plzzzz just tell me who you are

Tae: no

Kook: 🗿

Tae: there's no reason why I should tell you

Kook: show me your face then

Tae: no

Kook: ajansjsjsksn

Tae: you good? Did you drop your phone?

Kook: I'll tell you my nameeee

Tae: I don't care about your name

Kook: I feel like I'm talking to a fridge


Kook: I rather talk to fridge then talk to nothing

Tae: I give up

Kook: why don't you just block me


Kook: bruh

Kook: taeee

Kook: cutey

Kook: did you leave me again

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