Chapt 6: sight with love

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Kook: yo

Tae: tf you want?

Kook: you

Tae: well I want some sleep

Kook: sleep? Wtf is that?

Tae: Something you need

Kook: 😑 salty

Tae: it's like 2:00 am

Kook: I know I can see the time

Tae: why are you still awake?

Kook: the question is, why are YOU still awake?


Kook: but like... I can't sleep

Tae: well I can, bye

Kook: noooooo

Tae: yesssss

Kook: that's the thing you say when I touch you Baby

Tae: ew

Kook: can you stop with that it's getting old

Tae: I can't control it

Kook: I love youuuu

Tae: I hate youuu

Kook: oh come on

Tae: fine I love you

Kook: awww you actually said that I'm happy

Tae: jerk

Kook: thanks baby 🥰

Tae: why you flirting with me anyways

Kook: because your adorable, and funny, but you are stubborn

Tae: I thought you liked someone

Kook: I do

Tae: then why?

Kook: idk it's hard to choose between you two you guys are so similar if only you two were the same person

Tae: you act like I already like you or something

Kook: well you do

Tae: then sir you were dreaming

Kook: no one can resist me 😏

Tae: well I already like someone thank you very much

Kook: well I'll make you mine first

Tae: haha you must be jocking

Kook: then let's find out shall we? If this a joke

Tae: no I'm good

Kook: bish I was in the cool guy mood you kinda broke it

Tae: sorry not sorry

Kook: also you should hurry because my I might get my crush before you do

Tae: I bet he will reject you

Kook: I hope he won't let's say that

Tae: I'm to shy to talk to him first anyways

Kook: ya I can see that

Tae: but he's so gorgeous

Kook: introduce me to him

Tae: no

Kook: why

Tae: because he's mine

Kook: protective boy I see

Kook: I'm jealous

Tae: no one can be like him

Kook: well I can be better than him

Tae: ya ya ok child

Kook: Baby you are underestimating me

Tae: don't flatter yourself

Kook: my crush is adorable you know?

Tae: he ain't hot tho

Kook: I can imagine him being tho

Tae: ....

Kook: he was wearing glasses today and that made him look extra adorable

Tae: I was wearing them to and my crush complemented me on it

Kook: awww Baby I wish I saw it to

Tae: I won't let you

Kook: tf that's not fair

Tae: it is

Kook: Anyways when are you gonna show your face baby?

Tae: never

Kook: aghhhhhh

Tae: why don't you show me your face huh?

Kook: that breaks my pride that's why

Tae: fuck your pride

Kook: I'm sleepy now

Tae: I was sleepy when this conversation started

Kook: well gn Baby

Tae: goodnight

Kook: dream about me ok?

Tae: you mean have a nightmare about me

Kook: just go to sleep baby

Blind | taekookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora